Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Appalling Silence of Mitt Romney

The man who never passes up a chance to denounce his fellow Republicans over what he deems “appalling” behavior has yet to say a single word to denounce the harassment Rand Paul and his wife faced from BLM/Antifa.

It has been five days since Senator Rand Paul and his wife were harassed and threatened outside of the White House after President Trump’s acceptance speech. And while most of the attention has been on Senator Kamala Harris’ appalling silence in response to her colleague’s attack, some are wondering why Mitt Romney isn’t out there in the spotlight every day denouncing it as “appalling.”

I mean, Lord knows Mitt sees himself as our moral better.  You’d think a violent attack on a man with whom he works every day would prompt some kind of self-righteous indignation. After all, Mitt loves to run to the nearest camera to denounce appalling behavior while telling us all how appalled he is.

So his appalling silence is a real head-scratcher.

Or is it?

Fact is, Mitt tends to reserve his sanctimonious pearl-clutching for his fellow Republicans – most notably, President Trump.

He gets appalled so often by this President, I began referring to him as Appalling Mitt Romney.

Since BLM/Antifa are not Republican, nor are they supported or defended by Trump, it stands to reason that all we’d get from Appalling Mitt is appalling silence.

Remember, Mitt was one of the gullible saps who tripped all over himself to join the Black Lives Matter Marxists in DC back in June – for which he received slobbering praise from his fellow appallingly silent Senator, Kamala Harris.

Did you really expect Mitt to utter a single negative word about those same Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters harassing his Senate colleague?

Not on the likely.

Now, I have absolutely no doubt that if the reverse were to happen – namely a MAGA-hat-wearing crowd swarming and harassing say Senator Mazie Hirono — Mitt would be elbowing his Senate colleagues out of the way to be the first one to denounce it on cable news.

There’s a reason I called Mitt “John McCain: The Next Generation” when he first announced his run for the Senate. Romney, like McCain, believes he embodies “the conscience of the Republican Party.” And by that I mean, “Attack Republicans relentlessly in order to get the slobbering praise of Democrats and their media handmaids.”

Denouncing BLM/Antifa thugs who went after his colleague will not get him an ounce of praise.

So instead all we hear from Mitt Romney is appalling silence.

Honestly, I do not understand why Utahans sent this carpet-bagging media whore to Washington. But I sure wish they hadn’t.