Friday, September 11, 2020

The Alinskyites are to the violent stage: How do we respond?




Article by Dorsey M. Deaton, Ph.D. in WND

The Alinskyites are to the violent stage: How do we respond?

"Mommie! They don't play fair. They cheat. They bully. They call me names!" Every child learns early on that there are fair ways to interact. Every game, every sport or business competition has rules, restrictions or regulations agreed to by the participants. Moreover, referees, umpires, or judges oversee and enforce the rules. It all begins with respect for your opponent and a willingness to "play by the rules." If you foul by "hitting below the belt" in boxing or a "hard slam" in hockey, you are penalized. The rules, assumed or legislated, are for the good of all of us.

So what has happened to the rules of political discourse in this country? They have been changed, largely by one side, and politics has only become more divisive. Even Hillary Clinton promised that "civility will not return" until their side prevails. The mainstream media, which has had a referee function in the past, has taken sides and refuses to call "foul." It reminds one of the ancient Chinese saying, "politics is war by another name."

Politics in the past has not always been pretty. We thought it was shrill in 2008, and felt that with the election of a black president we had finally put race behind us – but it has only gotten worse. Now this level of acrimony is destructive of civil discourse. Personal attacks replace discussion. Name-calling answers debate points. Bullying and intimidation, even violence or property damage, silence dissent.

A neighbor recently asked, "Why am I now afraid to put a bumper sticker on my car or a yard sign in my lawn?" You do wonder how young agitators can verbally abuse and physically threaten seniors leaving the White House grounds after President Trump's acceptance speech. Rep. Maxine Waters urged her followers to harass Trump office holders wherever they encounter them. Businesses that do not "virtue signal" the right mantra are boycotted. And political enemies are "doxxed," their private phone numbers or addresses made public, as well as their children's school!

How did this come about? It comes from a groundswell of hatred that has been simmering since '60s radicals took over university departments and spread their "political correctness" through two generations. This Marxism-based anger has spawned the "identity politics" that works to overthrow the status quo by uniting all the various minorities. How can this not be divisive? So much for e pluribus unum.

 The basic modus operandi was established by the patron saint of Cultural Marxism, Herbert Marcuse, who said that for the sake of "tolerance" we must be "totally intolerant" of all views but our own. The tactics were more detailed by the Obama and Hilary mentor, Saul Alinsky, who wrote "Rules for Radicals." He insisted, "Do not debate your opponents. That shows respect for them. Instead, attack them. Demonize them. Call them names. When they turn to do the same, then you play the victim and scream 'foul.' The media will cover you and make them look bad." Can you see this in today's discussion? How can every argument or statistic be a "dog whistle" or every opponent be "racist"? Didn't the false cry of "Wolf! Wolf!" eventually backfire?

Undoubtedly, the most dangerous turn to this whole process is the introduction of force. "Spontaneous protests" have kept conservative speakers off campuses. In your face insults by "peaceful protesters" has terrorized many venues. Mussolini's Blackshirts have reappeared in the streets, calling themselves "Antifa." The term refers to Communist thugs in Europe who arose to challenge Hitler's Brownshirts. Can they not see they are embodying the very tactics they say they oppose? Is it not the psychological disorder called "projection," where you "project" on another the very issues you struggle with within? It's sort of like cries of "Russian collusion" when you were yourself buying opposition research from Russian sources. Complaints of hate usually come from the most hateful. However, Antifa is cleverly organized, financed and supplied by nefarious sources. Until this year, they have mainly disrupt and frustrate opposing gatherings.

Now we face an even more terrifying prospect: anarchy. Anarchy, Greek for "no rule," was the intention behind an ideology called "Anarchism," developed by Russian revolutionary Mikhail Bakunin. The concept seeks the breakdown of law and order to allow chaos, wherein an organized minority can seize control as the Bolsheviks did in 1917. Or the disorder might provoke the timid public to accept any ruler that promises security as Hitler did in 1933. Remember it was an Anarchist who assassinated President William McKinley in 1901. With mob rule, who knows? Maybe "coming soon" to a neighborhood near you! The whole scene is reminiscent of the Chinese Cultural Revolution under Mao Zedong when fanatical students organized as a Red Guard and punished all dissent, dragging people from their homes and executing them. Can that happen here? Not if good people stand up and stop this momentum now. No more Mister Nice Guy!

What do we do? It starts with courage, like that shown by the early Patriots. We need to stand up and to speak out. The stakes in this election are the highest ever, and the socialist mob and their accomplices in the media are doubling down in a do-or-die effort. But one major point to make is this: How do you fight hate? Not with more hate; that only escalates the conflict. Rather, as Dr. King, and Jesus his model, said, you can only defeat hate with love. Overcome evil with good. Respect these fools and feel sorry that they have been so misled. Nevertheless, correct every falsehood and challenge every lie directly. Push back in social media. Write the editors and congressmen. You vote every day with your dollars, so don't patronize businesses that kowtow or pay "protection money" to the mob. Boycott those sports that disrespect our flag and police. Work to get out the vote. Appeal to moderates and others to join you. Above all, VOTE – with your dollars, your feet and your ballot. But VOTE! 

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