Tuesday, September 15, 2020

That New ‘Whistle-Blower’ Complaint Just Blew up; DHS Has Emails

With so much going on, this story has sort of flown under the radar, though RedState did offer thorough coverage of the details when it first broke (see Another ‘Whistleblower’ Surfaces and Adam Schiff Toots the Horn of the Impeachment Train). Rep. Adam Schiff has yet another “whistle-blower” making wild claims from an obviously partisan, anti-Trump perch.

Here are some of the accusations per the original write-up.

A senior Department of Homeland Security official alleges that he was told to stop providing intelligence analysis on the threat of Russian interference in the 2020 election, in part because it “made the President look bad,” an instruction he believed would jeopardize national security.
The official, Brian Murphy, who until recently was in charge of intelligence and analysis at DHS, said in a whistleblower complaint that on two occasions he was told to stand down on reporting about the Russian threat.
On July 8, Murphy said, acting Homeland Security secretary Chad Wolf told him that an “intelligence notification” regarding Russian disinformation efforts should be “held” because it was unflattering to Trump, who has long derided the Kremlin’s interference as a “hoax” that was concocted by his opponents to delegitimize his victory in 2016.

But new documents may have just blown up Schiff’s plan. CBS News’ Catherine Herridge, who always does good, honest work on this front, has obtained the DHS response to the House’s nonsense and they apparently have the receipts.

That looks fairly definitive, as an email of Murphy saying the exact opposite of what he claims in his complaint certainly doesn’t bolster his credibility. These emails are not hypothetical either. They’ve been produced for the committee to see, though I’m sure Schiff will figure out a way to ignore the evidence staring in his face.

In short, there’s nothing here and this is going nowhere. There will be no impeachment round two and the House Democrats have made fools of themselves once again. What’s more frustrating is that flacks like Jake Tapper and others put Schiff on TV to spew his latest nonsense without any push-back. It’s a replay of what has happened the entirety of Trump’s tenure, with Schiff being allowed to lie to the faces of supposed “journalists,” and their only response is to thank him and ask for another.

This episode is yet more proof of how deeply entrenched politics have become within our bureaucracies (to the extent that it wasn’t always entrenched). Trump has certainly tried to clean out some of these agencies, but these hacks are literally everywhere, in every corner of the government. It’s an almost impossible task, though one that has to be undertaken.

For his part, Schiff is just a disgustingly dishonest human being who deserves to be thrown out of office. That he’s in California is his only saving grace at this point.
Trump’s second term, if he garners one, has to be spent continuing to root out these people. It’s vital to any possibility of rejuvenating trust in our institutions.