Thursday, September 3, 2020

Progressivism, Money, Gender...

I mentioned this briefly a few weeks ago and was surprised that so many had never heard about this. So now let me give you the slightly more expanded story of John Money, the man who invented left wing gender theory.

John Money was a psychologist in the mid 20th century. A pioneer of the idea that “gender” is something distinct from sex and it’s determined by your environment. 
This is taught now as fact in most schools and universities. But Money himself accidentally disproved his own theory

David and Brian Reimer were twin boys. During a botched circumcision David’s penis was burned off. His parents learned about Money and his gender theories so they consulted him. Money told them to raise David as a girl and never tell him about his true identity.

The idea was that gender is a construct so if you construct a female identity for him, it should solve the problem. But David was a boy, and his boyishness came across very early. The female identity wasn’t taking. So Money tried to force the issue.

Money had regular sessions with the boys where he tried to reinforce David’s female identity. This included forcing them to simulate sex acts on each other. He also photographed the children nude. Money believed pedophilia could be a legitimate sexual orientation, by the way.

But David was still a boy. Eventually his parents had no choice but to tell him the truth. The harm was already done. Both boys went on to lead sad and damaged lives. David’s brother killed himself first. A few years later David followed. But really it was Money who killed them

This is the man who came up with many of the concepts the left wing gender crusaders go around preaching today. He’s also the man who disproved those very concepts. Though he never would admit it, because he was an evil degenerate.

Money’s theories destroyed two children. And they have destroyed many since. We keep marching down this path. We pretend not to notice the carnage.