Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Poll: Americans Trust The Media The Least For COVID-19 Information

Americans strongly distrust the media more than any other source for information on COVID-19, according to a new poll released by CBS News and YouGov.

The poll asked 2,493 registered voters questions about America, coronavirus, policy, and the presidential candidates.

With 2.4 point margin of error, results demonstrated that levels of trust in information provided by “Donald Trump, Your state’s governor, Anthony Fauci, The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Medical and health professionals, and National media” concerning coronavirus have all decreased since March 2020.

According to the 112-page battleground tracker report, only 35 percent of Americans trust the mainstream media for COVID-19 information, while 86 percent of Americans have trust in “medical and health professionals.” Over 60 percent trust Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, 55 percent trust their state’s governor, 54 percent trust the CDC, and 40 percent trust President Donald Trump.

The largest fall in trust belongs to the CDC, which experienced a 36 percent drop in confidence since March 2020. While trust in governors dropped 14 percent and trust in the national media dropped 10 percent, the smallest decline in trust belongs to Donald Trump with only a 6 percent drop.

Low trust in the mainstream media shouldn’t come as a surprise. Whether it’s a lack of acknowledgment about violent riots or allegations against the president using only anonymous sources, the media has proven time and time again that it doesn’t deserve the American peoples’ trust.