Sunday, September 13, 2020 the time they know..."It'll be too LATE" the Venuti Theorem..

This post written well before President Trump was elected..
I convinced myself...Obama would never step down....
I GUESS I was WRONG.....OR>...OR...was I really wrong...
 should I have simply exchanged Obama would never step down WITH the LEFT will never "step down"... #deepSTATE ..
..I don't think, after all, I WAS WRONG...


I never left....chuckle

1/17/2018 revision

This post written well before President Trump was elected..
I convinced myself...Obama would never step down....
I GUESS I was WRONG.....OR>...OR...was I really wrong...
 should I have simply exchanged Obama would never step down WITH the LEFT will never "step down"... #deepSTATE ..
..I don't think, after all, I WAS WRONG...

To Catch a Thief you must BE and/or THINK like a thief

Nothing short of Brilliant....!  By the time they find out it will be too late.
Don't BE THE dope on the ROPES

"It'll be too LATE"   the Venuti Theorem.. Obama even Conservatives get it... To many pundits are confused with Obama's "motivation." Stupid, unattached, misguided.... 

Dam it, folks, the guys' a genius....right out of the ghetto..the hood...He Deceiving us... 

As someone who grew up in my Mother put it..."you'll tell me anything to make me happy, and then you will go on and do as you well please...what you feel like doing.
  That's exactly right, in my juvenile years I understood the "pulling the wool" over your eys.. So I have the Latest Venuti Theorem... Obama's tactic is this. "Yes you will find out everything...but just a bit too late."....suckers... 

My Mother said, I might not catch you today, but I will tomorrow, or the next day...etc...she was not wrong...

BUT many of the things she found out about was a tad late...I left home already, etc....Just like OBAMA care....

How did Obama Care "get away with it."....Pelosi will know about what's in the bill after the bill is signed."'ll be too late.

A liar using this tactic as I had once did while having been convicted OF Felonies in the Army and being "caught." I had to lie my way through my natural discharge date, and in doing so...I made it out without going to jail.

 But how I lied, and got caught in every lie, although each lie bought me more time....

I went so far as 5 lies that took, 9 months before I just works....this is Obama, and the tact of the administration to lie, buy time, once caught, admit you were lying, then lie again, repeat...etc...

Islam being taught as Primary religion for blacks... 

The Obama DECEPTION  full clip. 

In the 2012 Debate Obama RIDICULED Romney regarding Russia as most dangerous...

9/27/2015  Russia INVADES Syria

Louis Farrakhan speaks to Obama's selection process...