Saturday, September 12, 2020

Mother Earth is ANGRY!!!!

Nothing says “I follow science and facts” quite like believing hurricanes and wildfires are Mother Earth dispensing some righteous wrath.

Nothing says “I follow science and facts” quite like believing hurricanes and wildfires are Mother Earth dispensing some righteous wrath.

But that’s precisely what Nancy Pelosi did yesterday on MSNBC.

“Mother Earth is angry,” science-lover Pelosi said. “She’s telling us with hurricanes on the Gulf Coast, fires in the West, whatever it is.”

Sure, you gin-soaked hag.

Mother Earth is angry.

I wonder how Mother Earth feels about Botox and hair dyes.

Hey, have you noticed how regressive American progressives are?

It really is a head-scratcher, isn’t it?

Their idea of lecturing us about “believing” in science, is issuing doomsday proclamations about a vengeful Mother Earth.

Then again, as I’ve pointed out before, it isn’t “science” they embrace, but “scientism.” It is a religion with believers and heretics, articles of faith – and even its own saints.

Case in point…

Good grief. That is downright embarrassing.

You should see the slobbering replies to that tweet. Holy mackerel, those cranks make the Jonestown people look sane.

These people don’t even have a passing acquaintance with science – not when they’re canonizing Fauci or worshiping at the altar of a Swedish high school dropout or prattling on about Mother Earth raining down fire and hurricanes to express her displeasure.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but hurricanes have existed since the beginning of time. Either Mother Earth is one perpetually angry fishwife in desperate need of a foot massage and a mental tidy, or hurricanes aren’t Mother Earth’s payback because we won’t tax the living hell out of Americans while sending our entire civilization back to the Paleolithic Era.

And, correct me if I’m wrong here, but as far as I understand it, the latest wildfire in California was not caused by Mother Earth rising up and igniting everything in sight, but was caused, in part, by a pyrotechnic display during a “gender reveal” party.

Which I guess means a mother did cause that one. Just not Mother Earth.

Wait. Now that I think about it, is Nancy Pelosi assuming the gender of Earth?

I mean, she believes in science after all.  And according to the progressive regressive dogma of “science,” men can be women, women can be men, and gender is a social construct.

The reason California wildfires are on the increase is due in large part to an incompetent state government that has piss-poor forest management and shoddily-maintained power lines.  Then there are the arsonists and reckless idiots – like those shooting off pyrotechnics while screaming “It’s a GIRL!!!”

It is a man-caused disaster.

But it isn’t “man-caused climate change.” Just man-caused stupidity and incompetence.

It’s a shame that Mother Earth doesn’t exist. Because if she did, one well-placed bolt of lightning hitting Sacramento would solve a hell of a lot of California’s problems.