Saturday, September 5, 2020

Low Key = “Optics so bad, we pretend it was intentional”

Team Biden didn’t opt for low key. Low key is all they have. And all the “We totally meant for that to happen” excuse-making can’t hide the fact that Biden just isn’t generating any excitement.

When President Trump traveled to Kenosha earlier this week, crowds of cheering supporters lined the motorcade route. But yesterday’s Biden trip was a bit different. In fact, one could even say it was low key.

But for the sycophantic press that follows old Joe like groupies, precious few Kenosha residents bothered to even notice he was there.  The optics of this just 60 days before the election are, to put it mildly, really bad.

Sheesh. All that’s missing is a tumbleweed bouncing across the street to really hammer it home.

So how did Team Biden spin these dreadful optics?

By claiming they intended for the visit to be low key.

Yup. Totally deliberate on the campaign’s part to keep it low key because they wanted to “avoid a circus.”

So, I’m supposed to believe that the Biden campaign urged supporters to not congregate along the motorcade route or show up at the church where Biden held his somnambulant town hall?

Listen, if there had been crowds of people holding “BIDEN/HARRIS” signs, do you think the campaign would’ve been furious?

“Dammit! We wanted this low key! What the hell are these people doing out here cheering for Joe?! WE DIDN’T WANT THEM HERE! What a circus!”

Of course not!

They would’ve played it up big time.

Apparently at one point, a Black Lives Matter march happened past the church.
But that was it.

Clearly, in Kenosha anyway, precious few people are burning with Biden Fever.

To be fair, though. Low key is all you can get from Sleepy Joe.

Did you see this clip?

Can’t you just feel the enthusiasm brimming over the edge!  I mean, wow, it’s downright electric!

Not only is Joe barely conscious in this clip, he’s also lying.

If President Trump’s message isn’t being bought by the American people, why did Joe’s lead in Pennsylvania vanish?  Why is it the Biden Team reversed course and went to Kenosha after President Trump’s wildly successful visit? Why are they spending millions of dollars on states that were, at one time, considered a lock for the Democrats?

The reason things are so low key is because 60 days out from November, the Biden campaign has yet to kick into high gear. Mostly because Joe doesn’t have a high gear. He has a low gear, and, from his recent flip-flops, a reverse. But high gear? Nope.

What’s more, voters just aren’t that excited about him.

Sure, the “I’d vote for bread mold over Bad Orange Man” Resistance people support him.  But even they don’t have anything invested in Biden personally. They’re fired up with Trump Hatred; they’re not fired up for Joe.

Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania…

Team Biden didn’t deliberately opt for low key.

Low key is all they have.

And all the “We totally meant for that to happen” excuse-making can’t hide the fact that Biden just isn’t generating any excitement.

Hell, even Hillary generated more enthusiasm than old Joe.

The only hope Biden has is a full court smear campaign directed at Trump by a pliant and supportive media. And, trust me on this, they will happily comply.

Which is exactly why yesterday afternoon, the garbage publication The Atlantic released that anonymously-source hit-piece about Trump in France back in 2018.

Between Pelosi’s SalonGate disaster, Biden’s low key, carefully managed and dull as dishwater Kenosha visit, and Trump’s rise in the polls, the media is all hands on deck to drag the listless, demented old coot over the finish line. And they will smear, slander and lie to do it.

If this was 2008, there’s a good chance the media could get away with it.

But it isn’t 2008. The American news media is so deeply distrusted there is no way they can ever recapture the influence and sway they enjoyed twelve years ago.

It doesn’t help matters that Joe is being led by the hand to endorse and promote the ugliest elements of the Democrat Party – like meeting with the alleged rapist’s virulently anti-Semitic father yesterday in Kenosha.  The Biden campaign really does believe the way to secure black voters is to pander to the Marxists of Black Lives Matter who are burning black communities to the ground.

And because Joe Biden is too decrepit and far gone to know any better, he just does what he’s told and says what’s he’s told to say.

This is not a campaign that is voluntarily choosing to be low key.

This is a campaign that is forced to make excuses for a complete lack of enthusiasm and visible support.

In other words, low key is the hand they’ve been dealt.

As a result, Team Biden has put all their eggs in one basket – namely that the dishonest and virulently biased news media can save their horrible candidate from himself.