Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Keeping a Lid on Hidin’ Biden

Here a lid, there a lid, every day a lid-lid.

posted by Dianny at Patriot Retort

For the eighth time this month, a lid has been called by Team Biden first thing in the morning.

Now, before 2020, nobody had any idea what this “inside baseball” term meant. Then along came old “Lid” Biden, and we’ve all become experts.

The campaign calls a “lid” as a way to let reporters know not to bother turning up for the day because nothing’s gonna happen with the candidate. He won’t be emerging from his basement for a public event, speech, interview or campaign stop.

And Team Joe puts a lid on Hidin’ Biden quite a lot.

In fact, the morning after the death of Leftist icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Team Biden called a lid before nine a.m.

Joe didn’t peek out of his basement to address the death of RBG until Sunday for crap’s sake.  And when he did emerge, he was winded, coughing and looked like hell.

But what choice does the Biden campaign have, really?

They know Joe Biden is hanging on by a thread. And they sure as hell know that increasing his campaign presence would only make it glitteringly obvious that the old coot is not up to the job of President.

We are a week away from the first scheduled Presidential Debate, and at this point, does anybody think it’s actually going to happen?

I suppose it’s possible the reason the campaign keeps calling a lid on their candidate is because old Joe is spending all this downtime prepping for a debate.

Hahahahaha! Who am I kidding?!

How can you possibly prep someone who will completely forget 99% of what you prepped him on before you break for lunch?

No. They’re keeping a lid on Joe because Joe is on the verge of completely unraveling.

We’ve entered the stage of the election season when most of the people who haven’t been paying attention are now starting to clue in. And they’re going to be wondering where in the hell is Joe Biden?!

There’s only so many campaign events you can pawn off on surrogates.

At some point you have to put the guy at the top of the ticket into the spotlight.

But I don’t see that happening in the 42 days remaining. Do you?