Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Kamala’s Freudian Slip is showing

Either yoking herself to the Gaffe King has rubbed off, or this Freudian slip was Kamala saying the quiet part out loud.

Wow. Talk about a Freudian slip.

Yesterday, during a video appearance to Arizona Hispanic business owners, Kamala Harris accidentally let the cat out of the bag when referring to a potential “Harris administration.”

Either yoking herself to the Gaffe King has rubbed off, or this Freudian slip was Kamala saying the quiet part out loud.

I’m thinking the latter.

Listen, Joe Biden is barely hanging on by a thread. At this point it’s anybody’s guess if he’ll be able to keep from coming unglued before election day.

You don’t think Team Biden is actually Team Harris?

In the words of a Delaware oldster, “C’mon man!”

I said back on March 3rd that Joe is just the vessel.

He isn’t captaining this ship; he’s hiding down in steerage while the folks who would actually control his “presidency” call all the shots and make all the plans.

Joe didn’t pick Kamala Harris; they did.

Kamala is the real nominee, and if this Freudian slip is any indication, she knows it.

It will be a Harris Administration.

The only question is if, God forbid, Biden wins, how long will Kamala Wormtongue keep the old coot around before forcing him to “resign?”

Every single member of the Biden campaign knows this is the Harris campaign – except perhaps the brain-scrambled septuagenarian hiding in a Delaware basement – and maybe his vainglorious wife who wants to be First Lady so badly that she’s dragging her barely-there hubby along like an incontinent puppy on a leash.

So while Joe is trying to placate the moderates that remain among the Democrat base by saying scripted things like “Do I look like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters?” The radical socialists with a soft spot for rioters are calling the shots. They’re the ones using the demented old man to clear the way for a radical Harris Administration.
Kamala didn’t “misspeak.” She had a brief moment of honesty.

And now her Freudian slip is showing.