Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Kamala is proud of a rapist

She really is bad at this.

In another “low-key” trip to Wisconsin for Team Biden, noted flip-flopper and bad campaigner Kamala Harris took some time to visit alleged rapist Jacob Blake and his family – a family that includes a deeply racist and anti-Semitic father Jacob senior.

And not only did Kamala praise this “incredible” and “wonderful” family that is “carrying the weight of a lot of racism on their shoulders” (huh?!), she also expressed how proud she is of the rapist who resisted arrest after violating his victim’s restraining order.

Honestly, just how much of a pandering suck-up is Kamala Harris anyway?

There is no depth she will not plumb, no reckless statement she will not make in service to her vainglorious political aspirations.

She’s proud of a rapist?

Who on Planet Earth would tell people she is proud of a rapist?!

This is the woman who promoted scurrilous and unfounded accusations of sexual assault against Brett Kavanaugh.  And now she’s proud of a rapist?

You know, it’s going to be incredibly difficult for Kamala Harris to keep preaching how “nobody is above the law” when the nitwit is doing her part to turn a rapist who fought with police and resisted arrest into a sainted martyr.

Then again, she’s one of the nitwits who bought Jussie Smollett’s fanciful tale of MAGA-hat-wearing marauders on the streets of Chicago.

And when it was exposed as a hoax, because she’s such a terrible politician, like a deer in the headlights, Kamala was left wide-eyed and stammering.

She’s either not very bright or so desperate for power she is willing to say anything.

Or it could be a bit of both.

But claiming to be proud of a rapist is a bridge too far even for an incompetent campaigner like Kamala Harris. Or it should be anyway.

Then again, she makes Hillary’s “hot sauce” pandering look bush-league.

I’ve said before, Kamala is really bad at this. Which, and I can’t repeat this enough, is why she was too much of a coward to stay in the Democrat race long enough to face actual voters.

I think deep down, Kamala knows just what a coward she is. It’s why she resorts to burping out focus-group-approved talking points and ultimately meaningless bromides.

Kamala’s connection to the black community is virtually non-existent. She’s pretty much an affluent, white suburban Liberal only with a bit more melanin.

And because she is so far removed from the needs or expectations of black voters, like the affluent white suburban Liberal with a BLM sign on her front lawn, Kamala takes the easy way out by regurgitating radical activist talking points about “systemic racism” and “unconscious bias.”

Team Biden has a serious problem here.  Because their candidate is far too decrepit and unreliable to be trusted venturing out and actually campaigning for himself, they have no choice but to pin all their hopes on this foolish, inept, pandering bad campaigner who, like Biden himself, refuses to take questions from reporters.