Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Joe’s not one of the forgotten; Joe did the forgetting

In their desperate, grasping effort to steal Trump’s base out from under him, Team Biden is making their candidate look even more foolish and out of touch than he already did.

 posted by Dianny at Patriot Retort

I don’t know who’s in charge of Joe Biden’s Twitter account, but their salary should be considered an in-kind donation to the Trump reelection campaign. In their desperate, grasping effort to steal Trump’s base out from under him, Team Biden is making their candidate look even more foolish and out of touch than he already did.

“He forgot about us.”


Joe Biden thinks he’s one of the forgotten men and women?

He’s been in Washington DC since January 1973.

The forgotten men and women in this country are the ones Washington disregarded.

The forgotten men and women are the ones whose jobs were shipped overseas to places like China.

And who did that to them, Joe?

Well, among others, you did.

You aren’t one of the forgotten men and women.

You’re the one who did the forgetting.

I get it; I do.

As I mentioned last week, The Biden campaign is now trying to make a desperate play for working class Americans whom, up until the polling became too close for comfort, Team Biden was happy to ignore.

These forgotten men and women meant nothing to old Joe when he thought the once-solid Obama coalition of voters was in his corner.

But the Obama coalition isn’t coalescing behind Joe. As a result, Team Biden suddenly remembers the forgotten men and women exist.

Hey, there’s no group Team Biden won’t embarrassingly pander to.

But to attempt to portray this 47-year Washington DC fixture as one of the forgotten men and women?

This kind of clueless pandering always makes me think of this clip from “Toy Story.”

Putting Joe in a hardhat won’t magically turn him a into blue collar worker, you know.

Do they really believe having this life-long DC politician who’s gotten rich off of shady deals with foreign countries pretend he’s a guy who works with his hands and struggles to make ends meet is going to pass the smell test?

To quote a life-long DC politician: “C’mon, man!”

How stupid do you think we are?!

Now, I’m sure Joe isn’t responsible for the content of that tweet any more than he’s responsible for anything that happens in his campaign.

This is the kind of out of touch pandering one gets from a team of college-educated millennials who have never met a single blue collar American in their lives.

This is what you get from people who have absolutely no connection to regular, average working class Americans.

Donald Trump’s campaign resonated with working class voters, not because he pretended to be one of us, but because he acknowledged that Washington forgot about us. He didn’t mince words. Instead, he was brutally honest and unfiltered about Washington’s betrayal of America’s working class.

After years of being lied to, disregarded and flat-out ignored, voters loved hearing a candidate who said exactly what is on his mind.

Trump’s campaign platform was not a poll-tested, focus-group-driven litany of talking points. It was unvarnished and unequivocal.

Bringing jobs back from overseas, cutting taxes, securing our border, not sending our sons and daughters to fight and die in endless, useless wars, putting America first — Trump resonated because the issues he ran on were things that matter to us.

And he didn’t just run on them. He delivered on them.

If Biden’s campaign team had any connection whatsoever to the “forgotten men and women,” they would know that President Trump delivered on them.

In other words, every single statement in that silly tweet is a lie.

Trump hasn’t forgotten us.

Joe Biden isn’t one of us.

Joe Biden is one of those DC parasites who forgot we existed – that is, until his campaign team realized they needed our votes.