Thursday, September 3, 2020

Joe heads to Kenosha for Trump’s sloppy seconds

Everything this decrepit old bastard does he steals
 from someone else – even what cities to visit.

Monday, the Biden campaign had originally been scheduled to haul their decrepit old candidate to Kenosha for a campaign stop.  But at the last minute, Team Biden reversed course and cancelled the trip. Instead, they loaded their zombie candidate onto a plane and sent him to Pittsburgh to give a slanderous, lie-filled speech to an empty room.

According to MSN, the campaign believed that President Trump’s scheduled trip to Kenosha yesterday would backfire on him. So Team Biden decided to step back and watch their adversary fail.

Their adversary didn’t fail.

The President’s trip to Kenosha was a rousing success.

Trump's Kenosha trip

There were cheering crowds lining the motorcade route,
effusive thanks from those he met with.

So guess what Team Biden is doing?

Yup. They are heading to Kenosha tomorrow.

This is not what Leadership looks like.

This is what weakness looks like.

Leaders act.

But Team Biden only reacts.

President Trump is at the head of the parade, and Joe Biden is the guy who comes in after the parade is long over to sweep up the confetti.

President Trump is the trailblazer.

Joe is the impotent loser scrounging around for sloppy seconds.

The Biden campaign is scrambling around at the starting gate
while Trump sprints ahead. It’s downright pitiful.

Everything this decrepit old bastard does he steals from someone else – even what cities to visit.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the Biden Campaign Playbook is one page long and all it says is “Whatever Trump does, follow behind in his shadow and do it too.”

What the hell is the Biden Campaign motto? “Well, oh yeah?! Joe can do that too!”

They’ve been reacting rather than acting.

The about-face on the riots and violence after months of groveling support was reacting to negative polling.

Even shoving Kamala Harris out last Thursday for her do-over speech was in reaction to the rousing success of the Republican National Convention.

And now, because they stupidly thought President Trump’s trip to Kenosha was going to blow up in his face, they are reacting once again.

I have to admit; it really is pathetic.

President Trump should go on a two-week whistle-stop tour of the country – hitting a different city every day.  It would be hilarious watching Team Biden scramble to keep up while they drag the near-dead carcass of their candidate behind them.