Sunday, September 27, 2020

Joe Biden Compares Trump to Nazi Propagandist


Article by Tyler O'Neil in PJMedia

Joe Biden Compares Trump to Nazi Propagandist

Democratic nominee Joe Biden said he is running for president in order to “restore the soul of America,” but he’s just another lying, slimy politician intent on demonizing his opponent, President Donald Trump. While Nazi comparisons are tragically common in politics, most presidential candidates have avoided comparing their opponents to Adolf Hitler or Nazi propagandist Paul Joseph Goebbels.

“He’s sort of like Goebbels, you say the lie long enough, keep repeating it, repeating it, repeating it, it becomes common knowledge,” Biden said in an interview on MSNBC.

The Democrat — who has teamed up with outright socialists Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) — tried to smear Trump for calling him out on his increasing support for big government policies in the direction of socialism. While Trump does engage in hyperbole, this is hardly comparable to the Nazi propaganda of Goebbels.

It is astounding that Biden thinks he can run a campaign on “restoring the soul of America” while comparing his opponent to the Nazis.

Biden launched his campaign by condemning Trump, arguing he had praised the white nationalists in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017 as “good people.” In reality, the president unequivocally condemned the racists. “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally – but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay?” he said.

After Biden launched his campaign, Trump again explained that he was defending the people who protected the Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, not the white nationalists. Yet Biden continues to parrot the narrative that Trump is dividing America and the Democrats will bring Americans back together, using Charlottesville as an example.

Trump is a divisive figure, but Biden would be far from a return to normalcy. During a debate last year, Biden bragged about launching a character defamation campaign against Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork. He led an orchestrated smear effort so notorious that it turned Bork’s last name into a verb. Biden has also repeatedly lied about the tragic car wreck that killed his wife. While Biden’s late wife was at fault, Biden repeatedly accused the innocent truck driver of having “drank his lunch” before the accident.

On policy, Biden campaigned as a “moderate” in the Democratic primary — far further to the Left than Obama had campaigned in 2008 and 2012. When it seemed as though the outright socialist Bernie Sanders was about to win the nomination, the Democratic establishment rallied around Biden. After he won the race, Biden worked with Sanders to craft the “most progressive” Democratic platform in history.

Biden appears to take black voters for granted, telling Charlamagne tha God that if Americans are divided between voting for him or Trump then “you ain’t black.” Yet Biden long championed the tough-on-crime legislation that ended up locking up young black men in record numbers, while Trump has signed criminal justice reform to reverse these policies. Trump also secured permanent funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), presided over an economy with historically low rates of black unemployment, and just recently announced a $500 billion “platinum plan” for the black community.

As Georgia House Rep. Vernon Jones (D) explained, Trump has done more for the black community in four years than Biden did in more than four decades. Among many other things, Trump has condemned the rioting that has disproportionately hit black communities.

“While Biden was turning a blind eye to the rioting, looting, and indiscriminate violence afflicting Democrat-run cities all over the country this summer, the President was demanding that Democrat governors and mayors allow their police forces to restore law and order, pointing out that destroying small businesses in majority-Black communities does nothing to advance the cause of racial justice but does negatively impact the people who live in those communities,” Jones noted.

Indeed, the destructive George Floyd riots have disproportionately damaged black communities in Kenosha, Wisc.Minneapolis, and Chicago. The riots destroyed black livesblack livelihoods, and black monuments. At least 26 Americans have died in the riots, most of them black. While Biden condemned the arson and looting early on and more recently, he remained silent for months. He singled out “right-wing militias” but never condemned antifa or Black Lives Matter agitators.

Yet Biden has released ads comparing Trump to notorious segregationist Bull Connor.

As for anti-Semitism, the noxious hatred that Joseph Goebbels preached, Trump couldn’t be a better ally for Jews and the Jewish State of Israel. Trump moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, fulfilling a pledge the last three presidents failed to fulfill. He signed an executive order protecting Jewish students from anti-Semitic harassment on college campuses. He has even secured historic Middle East peace deals between Israel and multiple Arab and Muslim countries.

Trump could not be further from Adolf Hitler or Joseph Goebbels, but Biden frequently engages in the exact kind of political character defamation for which he condemns Trump. Don’t expect the left-leaning legacy media to call him out on it, however.

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