Friday, September 25, 2020

It’s Debate Prep (LOL!)

How do you do debate prep with someone whose mind wipes clean every fifteen minutes? You’d have an easier job trying to collect rainwater in a sieve.

 posted by Dianny at Patriot Retort

For the ninth time this month, the Biden Campaign called a lid first thing this morning. And the excuse for Day Off #9? The former Vice President is doing debate prep.

In fact, one “journalist” even claims that every single “lid” day has been debate prep.

This, despite the fact that Joe Biden himself just said that he hadn’t started his debate prep as yet.

[Though, to be fair, debate prep could have started weeks ago and Joe already forgot all about it.]

said on Tuesday that the Debate Prep excuse was sure to be deployed to explain away all of Joe’s dark days this month. After all, we are less than a week away from the first debate, so claiming all this down time is actually prep time makes sense.

But if you believe Team Biden is keeping Joe on lockdown because he’s spending entire days prepping for the debate, I have a honey of a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

All the debate prep in the universe isn’t going to help. No matter how much information they pour into his head, it will all just dribble out like rice pudding from the corners of his mouth before debate day even arrives.

It isn’t as if they can fill him full of statistics. We’ve seen how Joe does with facts and figures. Remember the Democrat debate when Joe said one hundred and fifty million Americans have been murdered by gun violence?

For crying out loud, facts and figures written on a teleprompter get scrambled in this old coot’s head. He was reading a teleprompter on Sunday when he claimed two hundred million Americans have died from COVID.

How do you do debate prep with someone whose mind wipes clean every fifteen minutes?

You’d have an easier job trying to collect rainwater in a sieve.

And the media certainly hasn’t helped.  Their effort to shield and protect the brain-scrambled Biden from challenging questions has left him ill-prepared for a debate.

The media also painted itself into a corner. On the one hand, journalists have been arguing for weeks that debates are irrelevant and what matters is getting out there and campaigning. And now they’re defending Joe’s lack of campaigning by arguing he’s too busy preparing himself for one of those completely irrelevant debates.

I’m thinking the only debate prep going on here is a medical team trying to figure out which combination of drugs will successfully keep this walking corpse animated while suffering the least number of side effects.