Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Is Jill Biden the one running for President?

We are nearly one month away from the election and the only Biden who’s out there campaigning is Jill Biden. Sorry, my bad – DOCTOR Jill Biden (EdD).

I’m confused here. We are nearly one month away from the election and the only Biden who’s out there campaigning is Jill Biden.

Sorry, my bad – DOCTOR Jill Biden (EdD).

Surrogates aren’t supposed to do all the work. The guy who actually seeks the office of President should be doing the bulk of the campaigning. But that isn’t even close to what’s happening with the Democrat nominee.

While Joe hides, it is Jill Biden that’s flying around the country campaigning. So who exactly is the Biden at the top of this ticket?

When she’s not waving to a car parade of three vehicles, it is Jill who is holding campaign events to “crowds” of people you could count on one hand.

Jill knows that her decrepit husband isn’t up to the job. But I don’t think this campaign has ever been about Joe personally. I’ve been saying for nearly six months that Joe is just the vessel. I think Jill Biden knows that. Kamala definitely knows that. Every single person on the Biden campaign team knows that.

In fact, the only person who doesn’t know that is Joe himself.

Folks keep asking what the hell is wrong with Jill that she would subject her clearly unwell husband to this kind of undo stress.

I think the answer is clear.

The Biden family once enjoyed the fabulous perks that come with having Joe in a position of power. Then Joe decided not to run in 2016 and all the perks dried up.

I think the Biden who really, really, really wants to get back into the White House isn’t Joe; it’s Jill.

She wants those airbrushed magazine cover shots, fawning articles about her style and fashion, and sycophantic, gushing interviews with Ellen, Gayle King, Oprah and the harpies on the View.

And, hey, if dragging old demented Joe over the finish line puts more cash in her son Hunter’s pockets? Well, even better.

Jill Biden is obsessed with her own importance, that much is certain. Why else would someone with a doctorate in education insist on always being referred to as DOCTOR Jill Biden?

I’ve known quite a number people with doctoral degrees in various fields. And the only time any of them are referred to as “Doctor” is when they’re teaching at a university.

Jill is pushing a man who doesn’t have the mental faculties or stamina to campaign for President, let alone become President. It can only be for self-serving reasons.

She’s the Lady Macbeth of the Biden family.

Sorry. DOCTOR Lady Macbeth.

Now that isn’t to say that Joe Biden is not ambitious. He always has been. Arrogant, cocksure, smug, vainglorious – all those words describe Joe Biden’s entire political career.

But Joe’s brain is turning to soup. And while he still might have bursts of his old cocksure self, those bursts are getting rarer by the day.

A loving wife wouldn’t subject her husband to this. But clearly Jill loves the perks of power far more than she loves old Joe.

For weeks now, I’ve been trying to noodle out what the Biden campaign’s strategy is here.

And I honestly cannot figure it out.

Is the Biden Campaign simply hoping to run out the clock while deploying surrogates like Jill Biden and Mr. Kamala Harris in hopes that Trump hatred alone will propel them into the White House?

Are they confident that mail-in voting will be such an enormous debacle that they can tie things up in litigation and have the courts decide who won?

Or are they just really incompetent?

There’s got to be a reason the Biden campaign is so overly confident that they’re keeping a lid on Joe and letting Jill make the case for her absent husband. And whatever the reason for this over-confidence, it can’t be good.

Then again, the Clinton campaign suffered from over-confidence as well.