Tuesday, September 22, 2020

If America was so BAD, open source examples added


If America was so BAD, 

open source examples added

Liberals, Progressives, Communists....
and all other abnormals  have convinced the easily convinced that America IS SO BAD....
that it's in fact illegitimate.

I'm so tired of hearing this fallacy designed to discourage Patriotism.....

I think it is time to lay out some real example of just how bad America would be if, in fact, WE WERE as bad as the abnormals parrot day in and day out...so ...

In an open source participatory exercise...I'm asking those who wish to add, to what will be a very complete blog ...of just America WOULD look like if we were so bad.

I will start.

If America was so bad,...
Slavery would STILL exist ...in all 50 states.

If America was so bad/as evil as the Marxist left claim, Jim Crow would not have been abolished.  (lackofknowledgeproductions @gab.com)

If America was so bad...
There would be no native american's left to RUN, OWN and Profit the Casino's that take $$ away from our tax base...

If America was so bad...
there would BE no UNITED Nations in America.....

If America was so bad,
you would never see a liberal black dominated ANYTHING.

If America was so bad\
We would colonize every country in the world....by FORCE....(how many nukes to "you' have?")

If America was so bad,
you would see indefinite sentences jailing any and all that disagree with Patriotic America..

If America was so bad
Would there be any women anywhere IN CHARGE of anything.

If America was so bad...
You would see a cleansing of those unwanteds

If America was so bad
North Korea would be toast and we would be occupiers

If America was so bad
freedom of speech would be given ONLY to the dominant class, party, race, etc....

If America was so bad,
a college education would be limited only to Patriots whose actions prove their patriotism

If America was so bad....
we'd have the family unit that would qualify for advanced tax considerations....

If America was so bad....
Homosexual would be forced to be reEducated or forced to live in camps for the abnormals...

If America was so bad,
there would be only one God allowed to be worshiped.

If America was so bad,
that equal justice under the law would be guaranteed only to the dominant class....

If America was so bad,
No other countries would not be allowed to defend itself....we would occupy every country...in the world

If America was SO bad....I guarantee you we would have no REAL Problems from "being bad."
If we were as bad as evil liberals suggest...wouldn't we just continue to CONQUER the world...?

We gave the Panama Canal to people who didn't build it...BAD us...
We gave INDIAN Casino's take free, nation status,,...BAD us
WE allowed slavery to END at the cost of hundreds of thousands WHITE lives fighting to allow such...bad us...
We allowed those defeated in WAR to KEEP THEIR STUFF...bad us...
WE allow countries to charge more to us to trade than we do them...bad us

Instead we give billions around the whole dam world to people who ...diss us....not for long....Trump's name is tucker, NOT sucker

Victor Davis Hanson: America does not have to be perfect to be good

 (despite what radical progressives tell us)

    The summer season has ripped off the thin scab that covered an American wound, revealing a festering disagreement about the nature and origins of the United States.
The San Francisco Board of Education recently voted to paint over, and thus destroy, a 1,600-square-foot mural of George Washington’s life in San Francisco’s George Washington High School.
   Victor Arnautoff, a communist Russian-American artist and Stanford University art professor, had painted “Life of Washington” in 1936, commissioned by the New Deal’s Works Progress Administration. A community task force appointed by the school district had recommended that the board address student and parent objections to the 83-year-old mural, which some viewed as racist for its depiction of black slaves and Native Americans.
