Monday, September 28, 2020

Hell hath no misogyny like a feminist scorned

If you are a woman who is not an emotional cripple given to irrational fits of rage, the feminists think nothing of unleashing venomous misogyny against you.

 posted by Dianny at Patriot Retort

Whelp, it’s official. Yesterday evening, President Trump formally nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. And before you can say “Hear Me Roar,” the so-called feminists on the Left went out of their way to reveal their own virulent misogyny.

If the ResistanceLOL has exposed anything, it is just how awful feminists are toward any woman who refuses to don a pussy hat or shriek hysterically into her iPhone camera while driving.

If you are not an emotional cripple given to irrational fits of rage, these so-called feminists think nothing of unleashing a stream of venomous misogyny in your direction.

Amy Coney Barrett infuriates these bitter, resentful broads so much that no attack, however sexist or misogynistic is off the table.

That may be a rather loquacious way of saying “a woman’s place is in the home,” but that’s exactly what Vanessa here is saying.

Imagine a Democrat President nominating a woman with children – including one with special needs – and a Republican Senator questioning her childcare arrangements.

There would be such a hue and cry from the Feminist ResistanceLOL it would make your ears bleed. They’d be howling about misogyny and sexism till they were hoarse.

For decades these “I am Woman” feminists have told us that there is no reason a woman can’t have it all – husband, children, career.

But for Amy Coney Barrett, that notion gets broomed and out comes the misogyny.

This is the problem with Intersectional Identity Politics. It’s all a fraud. These chicks don’t have a problem with misogyny so long as they are the ones being misogynistic.

This is exactly it.

But this is the Feminist ResistanceLOL. They’ve been telegraphing their misogyny for years.

Remember when Hillary Clinton claimed that the only women who voted against her were the ones under the thumb of a husband, boyfriend or father?

The 2016 election also brought out Michelle Obama’s misogyny. She claimed that women who voted for Trump are self-hating women who “voted against their own voice.” The only reason you women voted for Trump, Michelle said, is because you liked “the thing you’re told to like.”

As I said before, they are the Feminist Borg. Resistance to the collective unleashes in them a deep-seated misogyny uglier than anything I’ve ever heard from a man.

If any woman disagrees with them, they accuse her of “unconscious misogyny” while simultaneously revealing their own very conscious misogyny. And, boy, do they especially despise white women. I mean, really, really despise white women.

These shrill harpies don’t want women to be independent free-thinkers. They want hive-like conformity.

And, really, they don’t object to women being bossed around and told what to think, how to think, and how to vote. They just want to be the ones doing the bossing.