Monday, September 28, 2020

Graham Teases an FBI Bombshell Coming in the Investigation of the Russia Probe

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has a lot coming up with the Supreme Court confirmation hearing for Amy Coney Barrett looming. Right now, he is saying that he anticipates reporting her out of Committee on October 22. After that would come a public hearing/vote. Hopefully, that’s enough time, accounting for all the Democratic shenanigans that you know have to be coming, even though their hands are mostly tied.

But on Sunday, Graham was teasing about more interesting things that might be coming on the Durham probe.

First, Graham confirmed that former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe would be testifying on October 6. It was already announced that former FBI Director James Comey would be testifying on Wednesday. Graham said he also wanted to hear from fired FBI official Peter Strzok.

But then Graham revealed that “something else…more damning” was going to come out about the fallout of the Steele dossier.

Graham spoke about the comments from FBI agent William Barnett, who served on Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel team. Barnett said that the prosecution of National Security Advisor Michael Flynn was part of an effort to “get Trump.”

From Fox News:

“When you look at what Mr. Barnett says and the way they defrauded the FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] court, you get a clear picture that these people are on a mission to go after Trump,” Graham said on Sunday. “Can you imagine if the shoe were on the other foot, that if the Republicans had done this? There’s a day of reckoning coming. Just stay tuned, and there’s more coming. There’s something else coming, more damning than this, believe it or not.”

As Graham said, even with all they’ve looked into, they’re still finding out things.

“I’ve never talked to Mr. Durham,” Graham said. “I think he’s a very capable, fair-minded prosecutor, but every time you look under one rock, you find something new. We’ve found in the last two or three days that the Russian sub-source [in the Steele dossier] was actually suspected by the FBI of being a Russian spy all the way back to 2009. They never told the FISA court that.”

Yet they still used him. So it was the Democrats and the FBI who were using potential Russian disinformation to undermine a presidential candidate/president.

There were also reports that U.S. Attorney John Durham was not going to release a report or indictments before Election Day. Actually, it’s unlikely he will release a report. Either he’ll proceed with indictments or not. Attorney General Bill Barr did suggest that we would be hearing results soon. So we’ll have to see what bears out.

If you’re going to drop anything, better get to it, you’re running out of time. But Graham’s news sounds intriguing. A day of reckoning is long overdue.