Friday, September 25, 2020

Governor Parson Activates Missouri National Guard as Precautionary Measure in Response to Civil Unrest


 News Release from the office of the Governor of Missouri

Governor Parson Activates Missouri National Guard as Precautionary Measure in Response to Civil Unrest


 — Today, Governor Mike Parson signed Executive Order 20-17 activating the Missouri National Guard as a precautionary measure in response to recent instances of civil unrest across the country. The National Guard, as well as the Missouri State Highway Patrol, stands ready to assist local law enforcement if necessary. 

“We are saddened by recent acts of violence that have occurred in some cities across the nation,” Governor Parson said. “We fully support the right of citizens to peacefully protest and are committed to protecting that right. At this time, we are taking a proactive approach in the event that assistance is needed to support local law enforcement in protecting Missouri and its people.”   

Executive Order 20-17 declares that a state of emergency exists in Missouri due to civil unrest and calls on the Adjutant General, or his designee, to forthwith call and order into active service such portions of the National Guard as he deems necessary to aid executive officials of Missouri to protect life and property.

It is further ordered and directed that the Adjutant General or his designee, and through him, the commanding officer of any unit or other organization of the National Guard, to take such action and employ such equipment as may be necessary in support of civilian authorities and provide such assistance as may be authorized and directed by Governor Parson. 

To view Executive Order 20-17, please click here:


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