Monday, September 28, 2020

Everything after “Basically” is BS

Using “basically” gives someone the license to make any wild accusation without providing any evidence that the accusation is remotely true.

 posted by Dianny at Patriot Retort

It was reported last night that President Trump will nominate Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court later today. Which means from now until she is confirmed, the word “basically” is going to be doing some heavy lifting.

Since most of the histrionics are not rooted in reality, the vicious, clueless fearmongers in the ResistanceLOLwill rely heavily on the word “basically” when deploying their smears against Amy Coney Barrett..

Like this:

I’ve said before that when one prefaces any statement with the word “basically” what one is actually saying is: “Not really, but the truth isn’t dramatic enough.”

Or, to put it bluntly, “Everything after ‘basically’ is bullshit.”

Using “basically” gives someone license to make any wild accusation without providing any evidence that the accusation is remotely true.

[For the record, Charlotte Clymer is “basically” a woman.]

We’ve seen this before, haven’t we?

In fact, back in 2017, two of the so-called “Parkland survivors” (they were both “basically” survivors) went on CBS News and claimed the NRA was “basically” threatening them.

[Spoiler alert: the NRA didn’t threaten them at all, but the truth wasn’t dramatic enough.]

You’re going to hear a lot of insane people making claims about what having Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court will “basically” cause.

In fact, I did a Twitter search on “Amy Coney Barrett” and “basically” just to see if the “Basically Ruse” was already up and running. And, yup, it is already underway.

A fan of “The Handmaid’s Tale” tweeted

Amy Coney Barrett is basically Serena Joy without the good wardrobe tbh.

Some “actor/musician” I never heard of tweeted out a Newsweek smear of ACB and tweeted:

#Trump’s #SupremeCourt pick, #AmyConeyBarrett, is basically someone out of the fucking #HandmaidsTale. It’s gotten this bad. #Democrats have zero business expecting us to vote for them if they don’t do EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to stop this #SCOTUS vote!

Someone called “Harveen (Unbearable)” tweeted: 

@realdonaldtrump and @senatemajldr basically gangbanging democracy to take abortion rights away from women and subject them to the coat hanger in dirty backrooms.

Some ResistanceLOL loon tweeted this same tweet to every blue-check Leftie she admires:

Amy Coney Barrett basically wants her personal beliefs to control the private lives of other people. She wants the government to tell people who to love and what to do with their bodies. That’s her judicial philosophy. That’s who Trump is nominating for the Supreme Court

“Award-winning journalist” Ernest Owens also “basically” weighed in:

Amy Coney Barrett is basically SCOTUS Karen personified.

You’re going to see a lot of this in the coming weeks. And every time you do, just remember that everything after “basically” is bullshit.

Because it is bullshit.

If Amy Coney Barrett had a track record to back up these ridiculous histrionics, they would be citing specific court rulings or opinions.

But they never do.

They never provide one single atom of proof that their wild accusations are rooted in reality.

But, see, they don’t have to.

Instead, all they have to do is deploy the word “basically” and call it a day.

The goal here isn’t to honestly vet Amy Coney Barrett or present good-faith arguments against her nomination.  The goal is to enrage the intellectually stunted emotional cripples of the ResistanceLOL – which is why a lot of this will be done on Twitter. Because Twitter is a haven for intellectually stunted emotional cripples. How else do you explain the wild popularity of Twitterlebrity Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?