Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Doing the math on Police shootings

Since 2015 Police shooting break down as follows

White = 2,499
Black = 1,301
Hispanic = 907
Other = 220

Average Black shooting by police officers in a year is 260 - (justified/non-justified.)

There are 800,000 Police Officers active in the United States. If you were to press the claim that just 01% of Police are white supremacists that works out as 8,000.

Now consider yourself a General with a brigade of 8,000 soldiers surrounded by millions of your enemy and your kill ratio average is 260 (3.25% per soldier) annually. You'd be considered a lousy General. If you believe all Police are racists, that's 0.0325% annually.

There are no statistics that support the idea that the Boys in Blue are out there indiscriminately shooting the Black population. None.

Accidents unfortunately happen and we must always strive to do better while remembering that "those who strive for perfection should be commended, those who believe they can achieve perfection should be committed".

Police are Human and are therefor inherently imperfect. We can hate that but there is nothing we can do to change it.