Friday, September 25, 2020

Dems Suddenly Pivoting to Promoting In Person Voting, the Reason Why...


Nick Arama reporting for RedState

Democrats have been pushing mail in voting for months now.

Now of course many thought that was to do things like increase their ability to ballot harvest and/or “find” ballots to make up for any vote differences they might need to make up after the election.

But just like with embracing the BLM and not calling out the riots then finding later they had to pivot because Americans were blaming Democrats, they’re now making another “emergency pivot,” according to Axios.

Now, they’re actually promoting in person voting!

So why the big switch after claiming that everyone was going to die if they voted in person? And how do they justify this after screaming about how this could endanger people?

Because just like with the riots, they have grievously miscalculated and realized that this gambit might hurt them more than it would help them.

Because you have a ton of people now who may never have done mail in balloting and now there’s all kinds of new rules that people are not used to and they suddenly realized that while they’ve beat it into people’s heads to vote by mail, many may mess it up resulting in lost votes. Plus the very volume anticipated because of the virus and because Democrats pushed this make it more likely the some ballots will be lost, delayed or have issues invalidating them.

As Axios reports:

A fresh Pennsylvania state Supreme Court ruling could impact tens of thousands of ballots in that swing state.
In Florida, voters are twice as likely to have their absentee ballot rejected if they’ve never voted that way before, University of Florida political science professor Dan Smith told Axios.
In North Carolina, “Black voters’ ballots are being rejected at more than four times the rate of white voters,” per FiveThirtyEight. Overall, data shows new, younger, Black and Hispanic voters are more likely to have their ballots rejected.
More than 550k mail-in ballots were rejected during the presidential primaries this year, per an NPR analysis.

Who is that going to impact more? Well, Democrats, since more will be voting by mail, with Republicans voting more in person.

We’ve been telling them people could vote in person for months, that even the experts said it was safe, but Democrats preferred conspiracy theories instead. Now they’re finally getting the massive chaos this is all going to cause and they have no one to blame but themselves.