Saturday, September 26, 2020

Brave Kamala Runs Away

The “tough as nails,” “whip smart,” Kamala Harris is about as courageous as the Brave Sir Robin from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

posted by Dianny at Patriot Retort

What in the Sam Hill is going on with the Democrat ticket? While the nominee hides in the basement, his supposed running mate doesn’t seem to be running so much as running away. Yup, the tough as nails, “whip smart,” brave Kamala Harris is about as courageous as the Brave Sir Robin from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

I mean, even biased reporters are starting to notice that Brave Kamala flees from them without taking any questions.

In fact, the only thing Brave Kamala seems to have time for are fundraising events.

Sure, she’s raising money, but for what exactly?

Neither she nor her supposed running mate seem to be campaigning for the election that is less than forty days away.

This is the oddest damn thing I have ever seen in my life.

I happened across an article at Just the News that honestly left me scratching my head. The report “No door knocks, little press access, early ‘lids’: Biden campaign stalls with 40 days left” itemizes what little Team Biden is doing to actually campaign for votes.

The Biden campaign “stalls?”

When was the Biden campaign ever running? And by “running,” I don’t mean running away from reporters because you’re a chickenshit first-term Senator who’s really bad at this.

From the report:

Both Biden and his running mate, California Sen. Kamala Harris, have also faced criticism for their relative reluctance to appear before the press and take questions.

Harris’s own lack of appearances before news media have drawn criticism not just from conservative circles but from mainstream journalists. Both CBS correspondent Ed O’Keefe and NBC campaign reporter Deepa Shivaram have publicly lambasted Harris’s habitual press avoidance, with O’Keefe noting that Harris’s “reluctance to answer questions on a regular basis” contrasts with her willingness, earlier in her career, to engage with reporters.

I confess Brave Kamala running like a bat out of hell to avoid having to answer questions from the press doesn’t really surprise me.

I’ve been saying for over a year and a half that this woman is really, really bad at this.

Sure, she loves the sound of her own voice, and nothing thrills her more than being able to grandstand during Senate hearings – talking over witnesses and interrupting everyone else.

But to actually be held to account, to actually have to stand there and take questions? Kamala doesn’t have the courage to do that. Just like she didn’t have the courage to actually stick around in the race long enough to face Democrat primary voters.

Brave Kamala is, in a word, a coward.

Yeah, nothing thrills her more than mugging for cameras while she challenges others. But as soon as the shoe is on the other foot and others might challenge her, Brave Kamala runs away.

Why the hell are Harris and Biden avoiding the actual work of running for President?

Surely the campaign team realizes this is not a good look, right?

But as Stephen Green put it yesterday at PJMedia:

I had a conversation with Bill Whittle on this same topic earlier this week, and Bill reminded me of his newly minted Whittle’s Law: When they let the optics look this bad, it’s because the alternative optics would look even worse.

Brave Kamala is supposed to face off against Mike Pence in two weeks.

Given how she behaves, I suspect her grand debate strategy is to filibuster, interrupt and act the tough guy.

But that’s all it will be — an act. This woman is a coward and a fraud.

And something tells me that Mike Pence’s calm, deliberate demeanor is going to stand in stark contrast to this belligerent, showboating phony.