Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Blowout for me, but not for thee

The more these political hacks defy these lockdown orders, the less likely it is the rest of us will put up with it much longer.

First there was Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot violating lockdown orders to get her hair cut because she is “the public face of the city.”  And now there’s Nancy “Wash and a Blowout” Pelosi.

Monday, Nancy violated California lockdown orders by going to a hair salon in San Francisco to get a wash and blowout. Because apparently to wash ones hair and blow it dry, one needs a licensed hair stylist. Which I’m sure comes as quite a shock to every single woman with a shower, a bottle of shampoo and a blow dryer.

The owner of the salon shared with Fox News the security footage of Blowout Nance meandering maskless with wet hair through the salon.

So not only did Pelosi ignore lockdown orders, she also ignored California’s strict mask mandate.

Such a peach.

I’m with Jesse Kelly on this, to be honest:

And the more these political hacks defy these lockdown orders, the less likely it is the rest of us will put up with it much longer.

Even the densest people in the country are going to wise up when their favorite Speaker of the House can’t even bother to follow these ridiculous rules.

When Pelosi’s office was contacted regarding the story, her crack team of idiots claimed old Blowout Nance had no idea she had done anything wrong because apparently she lives under a rock.

“I’m not a blazing hypocrite; I’m just really, really stupid.”

Oh, yeah. That’s much better.

Naturally, sympathetic reporters are on the case – but only to cover Blowout Nancy’s wrinkled old ass.

Jesse Kelly often says, “All Democrats have to do is not be insane, but they just can’t do it.”

I would add one addendum to that.  All Democrats have to do is not hand Trump ammunition on a silver platter, but they just can’t stop themselves.

As Rita Panahi always says, “Trump is blessed with truly moronic opponents.”

Nancy just can’t stop showing the entire country that she is an out of touch elitist (“Let them eat ice cream!”) who believes the onerous rules the rest of us are forced to live under don’t apply to her.
Can we please vote out the Democrat majority and put this blow dried old nag out to pasture?