Saturday, September 12, 2020

A lot of people don’t get why these peace deals are all breaking through now

1) Ongoing thread, but I got something to say here.

A lot of people don’t get why these peace deals are all breaking through now, between Israel and the Middle East, in Afghanistan, in Libya, in eastern Europe.
2) Why were these never accomplished before? Why didn’t these peace deals happen under previous administrations?

Because our State Department is useless.

The top echelon, ambassadors, are virtually all either political friends/donors. They’re useless.

3) The career employees that make up the rest of the State Department? Well, fuck. You all know how many billions they piss away every year just throwing into other countries’ money pits of corruption. The State Department is the world’s biggest joke, a bunch of suckers.

4) Think of every clusterfuck in the world. Think about how many state department officials have been involved the entire fucking time resolving NOTHING. How many wars started under their noses. How many genocides

Where the fuck is our state department on the uigher genocide now

5) But THEY CAN’T BE FIRED. They’re career, they’re an intractable bureaucracy.

So they were thrown years of busywork and paperwork, and Trump built a new parallel State Department to operate WITHOUT the career state officials fucking everything up out of vanity or dumbassery.

6) Pompeo was head of the CIA, gathered intel, then became head of the State Department and was tasked with East Asia

Kushner was told to handle Israel and the Middle East.

Grenell was told to manage Europe and NATO.

7) They each had objectives.

Calm North Korea the fuck down and check China’s ambitions so trade deals could be forced on them.

Build the Arab NATO and get Israel opened up diplomatically.

Get Germany and NATO to pay the fuck up for their own defense.

8) Nikki Haley’s job was to cut the UN’s balls off. That was her job. Castrate the UN.

When people leave, its because their jobs got finished.

Have you heard dick about the UN since Nikki Haley left?

Anything out of Germany or NATO since Grenell left after making them pay up?

9) Its a revolutionary way of handling diplomacy, and it WORKS. Cut out the dumbasses that were wrecking shit for generations, and task people to regions to accomplish strategic goals. Don’t tie them down to a specific country as an ambassador, just give them authority as reps.

10) When it comes to diplomacy, Trump didn’t ruin the US’ good standing.

Trump’s teams in the parallel State Department task forces are accomplishing more in 4 years than the State Department has in 40.
