Sunday, August 2, 2020

W³P Weekend Open Thread: Rare Saturday Edition

I had every intention of posting this yesterday; however, the day just got away from me. I chased it down the street for about 50 yards and then decided to let it go. Meme Dump is mad at me again this week cuz I wasn't able to get that together and posted, so I'm sure he'll be showing up. My nonsense maker isn't firing on all cylinders, so I'm not going to try and force it. I apologize to anyone who looks forward to the nonsense of these openings. I'm just caffeine deficient today, but we've still got plenty of memes, music videos, the obligatory Sam video and a few doggo and cat vids. Sit back, relax, post some stuff and hang out.

Open thread dropped all of these memes all over the floor after falling over due to a lack of sufficient caffeination.
Someone get this man a Red Bull!

Time for the tunes! I had to throw a drum corps video in there, since I'm really missing drum corps season this year.




y'all know what's up memes, gifs, music, pics, random thoughts ... post 'em if you got 'em

and don't forget to recommend and invite someone new to join in