Sunday, August 23, 2020

When your 15 minutes of fame are long over

There’s something Karmic about David getting such a resounding NO on the very social media platform that helped him extend his 15 minutes of fame well past its sell date.

When your 15 minutes of fame are long over

Back in 1968, Andy Warhol observed that in the future all of us would get 15 minutes of fame.

Thanks to social media, Warhol’s future arrived.  Though, I’m not sure that’s such a good thing.

Social media has the unfortunate ability to extend that 15 minutes way beyond its sell-date.

Take David Hogg.


While hiding in a closet in a separate building on the campus of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School during Nicolas Cruz’s rampage, David Hogg decided to take the 15 minutes of fame bull by the horn and force himself onto the national stage.

Once there, he clung to his fame like a tick on a dog’s back.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

Despite being a relatively vacuous, unintelligent boy, David rode that fame to cable news interviews, public speeches, photoshoots, the Ellen Show, and a book deal.  Hell, Harvard even rolled out the red carpet for this mediocre white male student – pretty much proving that their much-vaunted principles of “diversity” take a back seat to a fame junkie.

As my friend Martina Markota puts it, “clout is a powerful drug.”

And David Hogg is a case study in clout-chasing.

But see, that’s the downside of getting 15 minutes of fame.  Once the glow of the spotlight hits you, you are loathe to give it up.

Fact is, David’s 15 minutes ended about two and a half years ago.  The kid has been huffing the fumes ever since.

Today America is a very different place than it was even two years ago.

Cities are roiled in violence, mayhem and lawlessness.  And Americans, many of whom never purchased a firearm in their lives, are buying guns for their self-defense at a record rate.

In this environment, a kid who rode to notoriety by attacking lawful gun owners really has no place.

Yesterday, in what can only be described as a futile attempt at clout-chasing, the long-forgotten David Hogg presented a poll on Twitter.

Yeah, it didn’t work out well for him at all.

15 minutes of fame ... over

Oh, ouch! Over ninety-three thousand votes.

There’s something Karmic about David getting such a resounding NO on the very social media platform that helped him extend his 15 minutes of fame well past its sell date.

I can’t help but wonder if many anti-gun people also voted NO based solely on David’s track record as the NRA’s biggest fundraising booster since Barack Obama.

But clout is a powerful drug.

Which is why I fully expect David will ignore these poll results entirely and follow through on his daily video posts.

Because at the end of the day, the only person who doesn’t know David Hogg’s 15 minutes of fame are over is David Hogg.


LOL! He deleted the tweet! I took the screen capture at 9:17 am.
It is currently 9:57 am, and the tweet is gone.