Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Unite the Right Organizer endorses Biden

Sometimes Karma is so damn entertaining, we really should award it a Lifetime Achievement Oscar. 

Sometimes Karma is so damn entertaining, we really should award it a Lifetime Achievement Oscar.  Joe Biden has based his entire candidacy on the fiction that President Trump praised the neo-Nazis who marched at Unite the Right in Charlottesville.

And yesterday, Unite the Right Organizer Richard Spencer tweeted out his intent to vote not only for Biden, but for every Democrat in 2020.

Boy, Karma just kicked old Joe in the nuts, didn’t it?

For all Biden’s vicious, slanderous attempts to hang Unite the Right around President Trump’s neck, he’s the one who gets the endorsement.

Now, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why the organizer of Unite the Right is on board the Biden Jalopy.

Richard Spencer is a virulent anti-Semite.

And over the last few years, the Democrat Party stripped away the last vestiges of pretense and has fully embraced anti-Semitism.  They are now, as I said in March of 2019, “The New Torch-Bearers of Anti-Semitism.”

President Trump has been an unapologetic supporter of Israel. His own daughter and grandchildren are Jewish. The slanderous accusations of anti-Semitism hurled at Trump might fool the idiots in the Resistance😂. But the true anti-Semites aren’t fooled. They know the real Jew-haters have a happy home within the Democrat Party.

It’s why the odious David Duke repeatedly praised Ilhan Omar.

It’s also why, after Joe Biden publicly condemned Jew-hater Linda Sarsour speaking at the Democratic convention last week, his campaign quietly made contact with her to apologize for it.

If you were a frothing-at-the-mouth Jew Hater like Richard Spencer and the rest of those torch-wielding goobers from Unite the Right, which party would you endorse?

I admit, it’s hilarious that it turned out this way – especially so soon after Joe once again lied and perpetrated the “very fine people” hoax in his acceptance speech.

Karma has a wild sense of humor.

And I’m laughing myself silly.