Monday, August 17, 2020

Two Unmasked Women Walk Into a Store; Manager Locks Them in & Calls the Cops

This reads like one of those old “Two guys walk into a bar…” jokes.

Except when it was over, nobody was laughing.

The festivities began on Saturday in Costa Mesa, California, when two women allegedly walked into a grocery store — without wearing masks.

Here’s how the Orange County Register couched its headline.

2 women arrested on suspicion of trespassing during anti-mask rally in Costa Mesa

But the OCR’s own report belied the “suspicion of trespassing” thing:

Two women were arrested on suspicion of trespassing during an anti-mask rally in Costa Mesa Saturday afternoon, Aug. 15, authorities said.
Costa Mesa police were called to Mother’s Market, at 1890 Newport Blvd., by a manager reporting the trespassers before 2:15 p.m., police spokeswoman Roxi Fyad said.
It was unclear what the protesters did to get arrested. Their identities were not immediately released by authorities.
A rally had been taking place adjacent to the store near Newport Boulevard and 19th Street since 11 a.m., with demonstrators protesting COVID-19 restrictions, police said.

In other words, the two unmasked women simply walked into the store, which BlazeTV host Elijah Schaffer described, this way.

This ER doc had a different take:

“COVIDIOTS.” How cute.

Attorney Ron Coleman said the store manager “may have a problem.”

The California Penal Code appears to clearly substantiate Coleman’s legal opinion, given that the events transpired as they appear.

False imprisonment occurs when you unlawfully deprive another person of his or her personal liberty.
• You prevent someone from leaving by grabbing that person’s arm;
• You lock someone in a bedroom;
• You tie someone to a chair.

So the battle over “to mask or not to mask” continues. From the mask-police Karens — hilariously on display, here — to entire states and their respective law enforcement agencies, emotions continue to run hot.

Speaking of mask police and law enforcement, the city of Del Mar, California, is stepping up its enforcement of mask-wearing by hiring part-time deputies to work two days a week for the next four months to enforce the mask order, as reported by the DC Patriot.

“Nick” expressed the sentiments of those opposed to being forced to wear masks in public by contrasting it with the hypocrisy of rioters, many of whom have gone about their nightly rampages, sans masks.

“So the people vandalizing national monuments, burning churches, federal buildings, looting stores and beating people in the streets are getting a pass, but because these happily paying customers won’t wear a muzzle to appease fake science and Karen’s they are being arrested?!”

Incidentally, “way back” in May, I reported on the following recommendation from no less than the (infamous) World Health Organization:

“If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with COVID-19.”

Fox News analyst Brit Hume also noted the WHO recommendation.

While the debate rages, it’s good to know that California’s finest are out there rounding up dangerous maskless criminals on a daily basis, huh?

Meanwhile, there’s always Portland.