Wednesday, August 19, 2020

This what you get when your candidate stinks

Democrats are relying entirely on “Trump is Evil” to carry them to victory in November because it’s the only fire die-hard Democrats have right now.

If you think I wasted a precious moment of my life watching any of the DNC’s Virtual Convention live, you don’t know me very well. But from what I watched this morning, I gather their theme is: “Sure our candidate stinks, but Trump is Evil.”

Not entirely surprising. When your candidate stinks it’s impossible to have an affirmative message.

Democrats are relying entirely on “Trump is Evil” to carry them to victory in November because it’s the only fire die-hard Democrats have right now.

And that’s a problem.

Trump Hatred is only going to get the Democrats so far.

At some point, you have to make an affirmative case to get folks fired up about your guy. And really? That should be happening at the convention.

But it isn’t happening because even their reliable voters aren’t exactly fired up about the basement-dwelling oldster the party saddled them with.

This morning I howled when I saw this tweet from Scott Adams.

That about sums it up.

Americans have been force-fed Trump Hatred all day every day for the last four years to the point where, by now, it’s nothing but white noise.

How is loading up your convention with even more of that white noise going to fire up voters for Joe Biden?

It isn’t going to.  Instead, it’s far more likely voters will tune it out.

But what choice do the Democrats have?  When your candidate stinks an affirmative, positive, exciting message just ain’t gonna happen. You can’t get blood from a stone, my friends.

Now, it’s normal for the out-of-power party’s convention to present the incumbent as a failure. But that messaging usually goes hand-in-hand with a whole lot of firing people up about their own nominee.

But “fired up” and “Joe Biden” are two terms you’ll never hear together.

I didn’t support Donald Trump during the 2016 primary. And when he clinched the nomination in May, I was strictly #NeverHillary.  I would vote for Trump but only because I despised Hillary.

It didn’t take me long to realize that voters needed a more motivating reason to go to the polls than #NeverHillary.

Hating the other candidate doesn’t generate the same kind of enthusiasm as being genuinely excited about your own.

So in May of 2016, I started watching all Trump’s rallies and speeches for myself.  And by the time the Republican Convention rolled around, I was 100% on board the Trump Train.  Trump was no longer just a defensive vote against Hillary.  I was flat-out fired up at the prospect of voting for him. More importantly, I was fired up about promoting him here at Patriot Retort.

We’re already at the 2020 Democrat National Convention, and still the Democrats can’t give voters a reason to vote FOR Joe Biden. Even this late in the game, all they can offer is #NeverTrump.

That’s what you get when your candidate stinks.

But it will not generate voter enthusiasm.

And let’s be honest. One of the primary goals of every party convention is to kick up the excitement and get folks fired up for your candidate.  That’s why post-convention, the nominee gets a bump in the polls.

But if the rest of this week’s glorified Zoom conference is like yesterday, that bump ain’t gonna happen for Joe.

Now, don’t expect the news media to honestly assess what goes on this week.

They are going to gush, slobber and quiver with spastic delight over every last minute of this TDS Telethon.

But, see, they kinda have to because their candidate stinks.