Saturday, August 22, 2020

'The Right Wing Is Full Of Nutty Conspiracy Theorists,' Says Woman Who Believes Putin Is Secretly Running The USPS

AUSTIN, TX—Right-wing conspiracy theories are really dangerous and they lead to violence in our streets and the breakdown of trust in our vital social institutions, like the very efficient and modern United States Postal Service. That is the word coming from area art teacher Diana MacDonald, who has also been quite vocal for three years, though lacking any concrete evidence, about a conspiracy in which Donald Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin to hijack American democracy in the 2016 election and effectively become a Russian puppet to further their geopolitical interests.

“Trump has been impeached forever on two counts of colluding with Russia,” MacDonald went on to say. “Dozens of his campaign officials were indicted -- some even jailed -- for colluding with Russia during the election and afterward. It’s obvious to all of us that Putin controls that idiot who stole the election through voter fraud and misinformation.”

“Now Putin is taking away our post offices, locking up our mailboxes, and instructing tow truck drivers to steal mail carrier trucks to hide them in secret junkyards. He’s doing this all to prevent a proper election that counts all mail-in votes,” she added.

When someone pointed out to her that this all sounded a little far-fetched, MacDonald told them it was all over the news and took to Twitter to denounce the right-wing gaslighting and the very dangerous conspiracy theories she had read about like QAnon.

At publishing time, MacDonald was denouncing the many Russian bots that had skewed the poll results of her post on Twitter asking who was more dangerous, QAnon or some ANTIFA group that has never materialized anywhere or done anything violent at all.