Saturday, August 22, 2020

The postmaster general just robbed Democrats of their dumb Postal Service mystery

Congressional Republicans can always be counted on to screw something up — they're easily intimidated by what the national media will say about them — but credit to the GOP-led Senate Homeland Security Committee for finally bringing in Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to suck the air out of the Democrats' hysterical obsession with the United States Postal Service.

DeJoy has become a Scooby-Doo villain in the minds of Democrats who insist he's doing President Trump's bidding to (wait for it) slow down the mail!

To the Mystery Machine!

Except there is no mask to pull off. Republicans called DeJoy forward because he's not doing anything interesting, let alone nefarious. He's nothing that would be even kind of fun to hear about.

No, like everything else with the Postal Service, the changes he's making (or at least trying to make) are absolutely sexless. DeJoy is coping with long-existing problems with the service, such as outdated systems, obsolete equipment, and, most pressing, a bleeding budget.

None of these problems are new. They've been affecting the Postal Service for years, intensified by the internet.

Democrats casually tell people who lose their jobs in coal mining and manufacturing to "learn to code" and "locate your nearest job retraining facility." But they pretend that not a single change can be made to an agency that has failed in every way to keep up with technological changes.

DeJoy did say that he had removed scores of unneeded sorting machines due to a significant drop in letter mail over the years and that there has been a slowdown in recent weeks for delivering packages.

Hmm, what might have happened in recent weeks to cause a slowdown in mail deliveries? I know that there's a pandemic that stopped the clock on every industry in the world, but surely, that can't be a reasonable explanation. It has to be DeJoy! And he would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling Democrats!

Democrats tried to find a reason to get angry, but DeJoy said it plainly that the Postal Service is perfectly suited to deliver mail-in votes on time, though he encouraged everyone to send theirs in sooner rather than later. It remains true that so long as a vote is postmarked by the required deadline, it will be counted no matter how long it takes to arrive.

Any claims from Democrats that Trump or Republicans are refusing to fund the Postal Service are laughable. Democratic leadership has for weeks refused to negotiate a standalone bill to put new money into the agency, opting instead to attach it to a completely unrelated pandemic relief package. That's on them.

Pull the mask over this Postal Service conspiracy away, and there's simply nothing there. So much for the great reveal Democrats were looking for.