Saturday, August 22, 2020

Postmaster General testifies — TDS moves on to next conspiracy theory

Postmaster General Testifies, Blows Apart the Dem Conspiracy Theory About the USPS

For the past couple of weeks, Democrats have been spreading a ridiculous conspiracy theory that President Donald Trump is trying to defund the USPS in order to steal the election by interfere in the election. They’ve spread stories about disappearing or locked mailboxes and mail sorters as “proof” of their theory. 

But Trump hasn’t done anything to defund the USPS and they have sufficient funding through 2021, far past the election. 

On Friday, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy blew apart the conspiracy theory during his testimony before the Senate. It’s disgusting that he should even have to do that because of Democrats pushing the crazy.

There was the false claim that they were cutting overtime, therefore making the mails take longer. How that would somehow help only Trump is of course silly, but DeJoy shot that down anyway. 

There would be no changes until after the election so there isn’t even anything they can argue. 

As to removal of some mail boxes, it’s a normal process that has been ongoing for decades long before both him and Trump and based on operational usage. But because of the crazy, they’re going to suspend the routine until after the election. 

In a real blow to the conspiracy trying to connect Trump, De Joy testified under oath he had never had any conversation with Trump beyond Trump congratulating him on his appointment. 

De Joy came across as honest and while he was polite, it was clear he just thought all of this was so silly. 

Democrats came off looking bad. Sen. Ron Johnson called out the Democrats for their games during the hearing. 

What’s incredible here is that it’s the Democrats who are actually harassing the USPS with all this and trying to influence the election. Because of the conspiracy, demonstrators have gone to the home of Louis De Joy, protesting against him, suggesting that he had somehow broken the law. These same people have been undermining confidence in the mail service and one even chained himself to a post office box to “save the USPS” (thus likely preventing people from using the box).

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After the USPS Hoax Face Plants, Media Move to a New Conspiracy Theory

The head of the USPS testified today and dismantled essentially every ridiculous conspiracy theory being pushed by the media and Democrats the last few weeks. No, Trump is not stealing mailboxes, nor is there any effort to “suppress” the mail in vote. Any changes that have occurred where part of long-standing planes that go back to the Obama administration. That didn’t stop everyone from CNN to Nancy Pelosi from putting on their tinfoil hats and making wild assertions.

Of course, because that their latest conspiratorial narrative has face planted, that means they need a new conspiracy theory to latch onto. Enter QAnon, which is apparently the most preminent threat in America now.

If you’ve paid attention to the media the last few days, this has been a constant drumbeat. They’ve been prodding Trump, Pence, and Republican Congressional members about it, trying to claim they support the movement. Of course, the same “reporters” never ask Democrats to denounce Antifa. That’s not to say QAnon isn’t stupid. It’s nonsense pushed by either trolls trying to get a rise out of people or those who are too dumb to realize how ridiculous they sound. But the idea that there’s some grave danger from the QAnon nuts compared to Antifa is backed up by no evidence what so ever. In fact, it’s countered by all the evidence we have.

In other words, if the media are going to fear monger about mobs causing havoc, perhaps they should focus on what we can all see with our own eyes?

People are beating beaten in the streets by Antifa and BLM protesters as they storm neighborhoods to terrorize residents,  yet we are supposed to be focused on some 4chan garbage that has had no discernible impact on anyone?
We know what this is really about.

Since Trump’s election, the left have jumped from conspiracy theory to conspiracy theory. First it was Russia, then it was MAGA related hoaxes, then it was Ukraine, then it was false hysteria about the coronavirus, then the USPS, and now with no other strings to pull at right now, they are on QAnon and trying to blow it up into a major thing when it’s not.

Worse, many on the right take the bait, spending precious time countering a premise none of us should be accepting in the first place. QAnon is a marginal group of crazies, nothing more. They aren’t in the streets burning down courthouses, nor are they shooting people in their cars who don’t follow their commands. Antifa and BLM have shown themselves to be far, far more dangerous and should be treated as such. Don’t fall this bogus narrative pushed by the media.