Friday, August 14, 2020

Obama-Biden Targeted Michael Flynn, Didn't Want Someone Who Fully Understood Intelligence Advising Trump

House Intelligence Committee ranking Republican Devin Nunes told FBN's "Mornings With Maria" Bartiromo on Thursday that the spying President Trump alleged the Obama administration did on members of his campaign and transition team in 2016 was "way worse than even we thought it was."

Trump told Bartiromo in an interview earlier on Thursday that the Obama administration spied on his campaign, "which is treason."

"President Obama knew everything. Vice President Biden, as dumb as he may be, he knew everything... And Comey and Brennan and Clapper, they all were terrible and they lied to Congress," Trump said Thursday. 

Nunes said in response to Trump's interview that it was Biden who suggested invoking the Logan Act to spy on some of the then-incoming national security advisor Michael Flynn's communications after he was cleared by a counterintelligence operation. 

"So, clearly, the previous administration knew that they were spying on the Trump campaign. Joe Biden should have known at the time to put a halt to this. So he is just as guilty as everybody else."

Nunes shied away from saying Obama or Biden broke any laws but stated: "I don't mean guilty I the sense that he broke the law. But he knew damn well that something was occurring, using our intelligence apparatus in this country … to target people that his party had just got their clocks cleaned by in 2016."

Nunes suggested that Flynn had made enemies at the Pentagon and CIA during his time as the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency. 

"Gen. Flynn knew there was a lot of waste and a lot of bad decisions were made for the soldiers out in the field... The bureaucracy in Washington D.c. and the intel apparatus had gotten way too big and become corrupt," Nunes said about Flynn. "He was one of the first to point out that al-Qaeda was resurging in Iraq and eventually became ISIS. Remember, that's why Gen. Flynn was fired way back when. They for sure didn't want someone who fully understood the apparatus being in there as the top intelligence person for the president."