Sunday, August 16, 2020

Journalist Praised For Asking Trump Hard-Hitting Question 'What's It Like Being Such A Big Poopy Pants Buttface?'

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Journalists everywhere are praising the intrepid bravery of CNN White House Correspondent Robby Chauvistaluego after he asked Trump the most hard-hitting, devastating question he has ever received in a press conference. 

"What's it like being such a big poopy pants buttface?" asked Chauvistaluego before turning to high-five the other reporters. 

Trump stood there for a second, obviously dumbfounded, with a very fascist look on his face. 

Chauvistaluego followed up. "How long have you known how dumb and poopy you are? When were you going to tell the American people this?" The other journalists snickering to themselves nodded in approval at the question. 

Another reporter from MSNBC, emboldened by Chauvistaluego's courageous stand, decided to shout out his own question. "Hey, Mr. President! Can you tell me how to spell ICUP?" At this, the press room erupted with cheers and applause. 

Republicans quickly pounced since they were obviously bitter and embarrassed by this brilliant line of questioning. Other journalists, however, are united in praise for Chauvistaluego. According to sources, he is now a top candidate to receive the Pulitzer Prize next year.