Saturday, August 22, 2020

Joe steps over low bar without tripping on his pud, Media applauds

No matter how pedestrian and substance-free 
Low Bar Joe’s speech was, the media was always going to spin it as the best speech since the Gettysburg Address.

I suppose when you set the bar so low a snail could get over it, it isn’t surprising Joe Biden successfully managed the hurdle. Low Bar Joe is a beneficiary of the bigotry of low expectations.

The entire Democrat/Media complex was probably watching Low Bar Joe’s acceptance speech while holding its collective breath.  And the fact that he only flubbed on major line was such a relief, they’re acting like Joe just topped the “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall” moment in speech-making history.

Of course, sometimes people in the news media accidentally say the quiet part out loud. Like Van Jones admitting they set the bar to ground-level.

No matter how pedestrian and substance-free Low Bar Joe’s speech was, the media will spin it as the best speech since the Gettysburg Address.

Trust me. They’re going to crow about it for days. And next week, when President Trump delivers his acceptance speech, the media will be quick to point out that Trump’s speech was nowhere near as spectacular as old Joe’s.

And the more over-the-top their gushing, the more obvious it is they know Joe’s passable speech lacks not only staying power, but also the strength to stand on its own.

Like a laugh track added to an unfunny television skit, the media is there to provide the canned response needed to make Joe’s speech look far more impressive than it actually was.

In short, they’re trying too hard.

But this is what the media is for in 2020.  Every utterance from Joe — or Kamala for that matter — will be met with near-orgasmic delight or the fawning praise of an overindulgent pageant mom.

But this is the benefit of setting the bar so low.

In reality, Biden’s speech was written in such a way to minimize Low Bar Joe’s many deficits. Short sentences to prevent him getting lost. Fluffy platitudes that don’t require him to speak in detail or substance.

And, I imagine, a bit of a chemical boost to keep him cogent and lucid – maybe a B12 shot, or maybe something far more pharmaceutical.

Not one person will remember a single word of Low Bar Joe’s speech come Monday. In fact, I doubt anyone will remember a single word by noon today.

With two major exceptions.

They’ll remember Joe promised to order a nationwide mask mandate on “day one” (despite not having the Constitutional authority to do so).

And Conservatives and those on the Right will remember Joe once again perpetrated the scurrilous and slanderous “Very Fine People” hoax.

In the end, by reacting with such over-the-top praise for what was a rather mundane, and at times inexplicably angry speech, the media accidentally raised the bar so high, poor old Joe will never be able to negotiate his way over it.

By portraying it as some kind of “Grand Slam Home Run,” all the arguments for keeping Joe under wraps just won’t fly anymore.

As Michael Godwin put it at the New York Post this morning:

He must come out into the sunshine and, while protecting himself from COVID-19, get on the campaign trail and take his claim to the presidency to the people of America.

If he can’t or won’t, how can he possibly be president? Would he isolate himself in the Oval Office?

The enormous promises he made about defeating the killer virus, creating jobs, combatting climate change, “removing the stain of racism” and uniting the nation will mean nothing if he continues to shrink from public view.

The fact is, Joe Biden doing anything other than a short, prepared speech is and has always been fraught with danger. He loses his temper, snaps at people, attacks voters, wanders away inexplicably, and, lest we forget, makes incredibly racist remarks.

It’s why even before the COVID response lockdowns, Joe’s handlers kept him on such a tight leash.

But even on a tight leash, unscripted Joe cannot be trusted.

If the slobbering fools in the media weren’t so desperate to prove to us that Joe Biden is so amazing!!!! they would’ve thought it through before they launched into their obsequious, over-indulgent praise of what was, in the end, an average, easily forgettable speech.