Sunday, August 16, 2020

“It was a debate!” – The odious insincerity of Comma-la Harris

Comma-la Harris isn’t saddled with a conscience, and her brazen lies and cynical play-acting prove it.

This morning I went on Twitter and the first thing I saw was this video of Comma-la Harris on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert (pronounced Coal-bear, not Coal-bert).

Colbert asks her how she can support Joe Biden after the now-infamous “I’m not saying you’re a racist, but” smack-down Comma-la gave Joe in that first debate. And her response exposes just what a scheming, odious little opportunist she is.

Good grief, this woman is more odious than Hillary. Who knew that was possible?
“It was a debate! *Cackle*Cackle*Cackle* It. Was. A. Debate!”

In other words, Comma-la Harris didn’t mean any of it.  She just used this ridiculous busing strategy to goose her poll numbers and sell T-shirts.  And after she dropped out, hopping aboard the Biden Jalopy was just as scheming and conniving as her garbage debate stunt.

Now, to be fair, that was already plain since just a few days after that staged smackdown, Comma-la backtracked and admitted she, too, was opposed to Federal busing.

Then again, I’ve been calling this odious woman a fraud for three years.
Just for giggles, let’s watch Comma-la’s “principled” take-down of Joe again.  Listen to the faux sadness in her voice as she spins her tale of woe.

“*Cackle*Cackle*Cackle* It. Was. A. Debate!”

Never forget these videos.

Remember them every time the odious Comma-la Harris levels a spurious accusation at President Trump.

She doesn’t mean them.

She doesn’t believe them.

They will all be as contrived and phony as the “It. Was. A. Debate!” takedown of Joe.

In fact, at their first joint appearance on Tuesday, Comma-la burped out several easily debunked lies about President Trump – all with her trademark faux sincerity.

Kyle Smith took apart each lie she told over at National Review. As, for example:

“Just look where [Trump and Mike Pence] have gotten us. . . . Millions of kids who cannot go back to school,” Harris said.

Wrong. It is not Donald Trump’s decision whether kids go back to school, because the federal government does not run schools, but he has urged the schools to reopen. The primary reason kids cannot go back to school is opposition from teachers’ unions. The second-largest teachers’ union is threatening to strike if schools reopen.

But “It’s an election! *Cackle*Cackle*Cackle* It. Is. An. Election!”

Trust me, she is going to shamelessly lie like a two-bit hustler every time she opens her mouth all the way to November.

And not just about President Trump.

Comma-la is going to lie about Joe Biden.  She has to if she wants any chance of getting into the White House.

Comma-la Harris has hitched her wagon to a weak, barely-there nominee who is so mentally unsteady the campaign shoos reporters out of the room rather than permit them to ask him questions.

Since Comma-la is not saddled with a conscience, she will have no problem brazenly lying and cynically play-acting if it gets her what she wants.

And our garbage media is more than happy to play along with every lying stunt she pulls.

This is why I’m telling you to remember those two videos.  Together they reveal just what an odious woman Comma-la Harris is.