Monday, August 3, 2020

In what universe is this Robbery Prevention?

If you live in Minneapolis, you might want to reconsider that. Because your city government’s idea of robbery prevention is heavy on the “robbery” and light on “prevention.”

If you live in Minneapolis, you might want to reconsider that.  Because your city government’s idea of robbery prevention is heavy on the “robbery” and light on “prevention.”

I guess this shouldn’t be a shock since Minneapolis wants to get rid of their police department.

After a rash of robberies and carjackings in the Third Precinct, city “leaders” sent out a letter to precinct residents telling them “We want those who live and work here to be safe!”

And their idea of maintaining your safety is with these helpful robbery prevention tips that, interestingly enough, don’t sound very “preventy” to me.

In what universe is this Robbery "Prevention?"

“Be prepared to give up your cell phone and purse/wallet.”

“Do not argue or fight with the criminal. Do as they say.”

In what universe could this be construed as robbery prevention?  How is giving the robber everything he wants “preventing” robbery?  Seems to me a cooperative population will only further embolden criminals to commit more robberies.  Wouldn’t you say?

Why not just tell their victimized citizenry, “In order to prevent being robbed, voluntarily turn over your valuables. That way it isn’t a ‘robbery’ but a voluntary transfer of goods.”

“Have keys already in your hand as you approach your car” … that way the criminal can more easily take them from you and make his getaway in your own vehicle.

“When you call 911” … which of course you can’t do because you helpfully gave your cell phone to the person who just robbed you.

Yeah, great robbery “prevention” suggestions there, you morons.

You know what would be a great robbery prevention idea?

Instead of dismantling the Minneapolis Police Department, increase the number of police in high crime precincts.

But no! They won’t do that. They’ve already committed to abolishing law enforcement.

Isn’t this always the way Democrats operate?  First they implement a “plan” that causes a huge problem.  Then, instead of correcting the problem by reversing course, they suggest a “solution” that will only make the problem worse.

And when anyone points that out to them, their response is “But we can’t go back! We’ve made so much progress!”

There’s a reason crime is on the rise in Minneapolis, and it isn’t because residents aren’t cooperating enough with the criminals.  It’s because Minneapolis city leaders have put criminals and lawlessness before law and order.

The blame can be placed squarely at the feet of the same city leaders who are now telling you that surrendering to criminals is a form of robbery “prevention.”

I guess they figure that since the city itself has surrendered to the criminals, you should too.

But don’t worry, Minneapolis residents.  Your city council members are safe from these robbers and carjackers who are terrorizing you.  They, unlike you, have private security paid for by the very taxpayers who are now being told to surrender to the criminals calling the shots on the streets in Minneapolis.

The most hilarious part of this letter is how it ends:

“To Protect With Courage
To Serve With Compassion”

Courage?  Really?

Near as I can figure, the only people who are feeling courageous right about now are those who want to commit crime against Minneapolis residents.

And the only “Compassion” these city leaders have is for the criminals.

Law abiding residents? Meh.  You guys are on your own.

Here are my helpful robbery “prevention” tips for you folks living in Minneapolis.

Buy a gun.

And move the hell out of Minneapolis because the criminals won.

Oh, and here’s one final helpful tip:

Don’t ever vote Democrat again.