Saturday, August 1, 2020

Funerals for me, but not for thee

John Lewis gets multiple funerals because he is part of the ruling elite. 
Your grandparents, your dad, your mom, your child? Not so much.

Yesterday marked the culmination of a week of funerals for one-hit wonder John Lewis.

He’s the guy who over fifty years ago got beat up in a civil rights march then rode that beating all the way to Congress where he proceeded to do nothing for the black community except bang on endlessly about what happened to him over fifty years ago.

And despite the Wuhan Panic and his backbencher status, Lewis gets four or five funerals, not to mention a stint lying in state in the Capitol.

Your loved ones who had the misfortune to die during the Wuhan Panic?  They didn’t get funerals.  And if they did get a funeral, you had to decide which ten of the dearly departed’s friends or family will be chosen to attend while the rest of you aren’t allowed to go.

But John Lewis gets multiple funerals attended by oodles and oodles of people crammed in together in the pews while Americans are barred from attending Sunday church service.

JK Tweet John Lewis Funerals

Because in America during Wuhan Panic, there are two sets of rules – one for us and one for the political elite or politically useful.

John Lewis, like George Floyd before him, got multiple funerals because he is politically useful to the ruling elite.

Your grandparents, your dad, your mom, your child?  Not so much.

The very networks that have, for months, lectured and scolded us for taking a walk outside, surfing in the ocean, or sitting alone on the beach all aired John Lewis’ funeral without a single thought for the hypocrisy.  It’s almost as if they wanted to rub our faces in it and make it abundantly clear: Funerals for me, but not for thee.

That nitwit lawyer in Florida who dresses as the Grim Reaper to guilt Florida beach-goers for “endangering lives?”  Odd how he didn’t turn up to one of John Lewis’ funerals to guilt the crowd of people in attendance.

It’s infuriating.  But sadly, it is not at all surprising.

From the start, the Wuhan Flu has been nothing but a political cat’s paw.

And all the doom and gloom predictions meant to keep us in our place instantly go out the window when it is politically advantageous.

Riots, “protests,” marches, and funerals for the politically-connected are permitted because we’ve been lied to from the get-go.  And the media and politicians who are doing the lying don’t even have the common sense to hide their own disregard for the orders they’ve forced down our throats.

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The governors who drove you into your homes have destroyed our economy, put countless small businesses out of business permanently, and created so much panic and fear that our fellow citizens think nothing of reporting people to the police for not social distancing or wearing mask.

But all that disappears like smoke so John Lewis can have his multiple funerals.

I hate these people so much.