Friday, August 21, 2020

Democrats Have Proven They are Unworthy of Power


 Article by Dex Bahr in The American Thinker

Democrats Have Proven They are Unworthy of Power

If a person or entity has proven to  be abusive or irresponsible with power, then it is the duty of the people, while freedom still prevails, to resist and to ensure that such a person or entity is never entrusted with such power ever again or, at least until they have regained the confidence of the people.  Such is the case with today’s Democrat party.

Americans have given their lives and blood to liberate people from fascism and Marxism/communism. But now it is unassailable that those oppressive political philosophies now have their home in the Democrat Party.  In six months, with the pandemic and nationwide riots, Democrat leaders have revealed that their natural penchant is not for freedom, but tyranny.

The past six months have shown that we are long past the days of mere policy differences between the two political parties.  Now our battle is against Democrats, a party that has been usurped by the radical left, is literally for the preservation of America as founded.  This election is about whether America will remain a light of liberty or descend into the darkness of Soviet-style communism with elements of Nazism. This is not hyperbole.

The nation’s crucible has been steadily escalating. Neighbors are snitching against neighbors.  Those who complain about the masks, lockdowns, etc. have been denigrated as the “Other”, worthy only of scorn, assault and ridicule. And recently we have had the spectacle of shoppers falsely imprisoned and later arrested by police for the crime of not wearing a mask in conservative Orange County, California. The police were just following orders when detaining the shoppers.  Where have we heard that before?  On a national and global level, the censorship of all information countering the Wuhan virus narrative (as with the demonization of hydroxychloroquine) is aided by journalists who long ago removed their guises as objective fact finders. Journalists have instead become willing know-nothings in their efforts to help the Democrats.

In the past 20 years, elected Democrats have paid lip service to loving America, but their actions have shown that they endear nothing about the patriotic tradition and foundational laws of this country.  From their rhetoric and policies, the America they envision is one where police are weakened, racial wounds fester, immigration laws ignored and global emergencies trump fundamental Constitutional rights.

Tell some Americans these facts about Democrats and they may find it hard to comprehend that an American political party has policies that undermine its own country.  Many people would also be shocked that many elected Democrats view the Constitution as an impediment to their plans of ultimate power.  Uncomfortable truths, perhaps, but these are proofs.

 Remember the Democrat reaction to the electoral college after Donald Trump’s stunning victory over the “inevitable” Hillary Clinton?   The party of slavery howled in outrage over Hillary winning the popular vote but losing the electoral college. Recently, Democrats have championed the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which would force state electors to vote in accordance with the national popular vote and rejecting their own state vote totals. This is just another example of the Democrats forcing legislation down people’s throats as opposed to changing the hearts and minds of voters to their way of thinking. A major foundation of our representative republic, the electoral college was an ingenious creation of the Founders to ensure that smaller populated states have just as much say as their larger counterparts when choosing the president. Of course, Democrats want to scrap this system of real equality because they are nothing but sore losers and because it is too difficult to rig the electoral college in their favor. 

Democrats claim to be the party of equality but only as far as it disrupts America. Yet when it comes to the Constitutional rights of free speech and bearing arms, the two greatest equalizers to powerful elites, the party of segregation is a staunch enemy.  

Only bullies want to shut people up from criticizing them and ensure they have no way to fight back.  This sums up the Democratic Party. Instead of protecting the little guy, they want to lord over the average American who only wants to be prosperous, safe and left alone to pursue happiness. 

But the left hates you exercising rugged individualism because it threatens their tyrannical form of governance. Instead of respecting your rights as an individual, the party of Jim Crow laws wants to force you to conform to the “collective” in your thoughts and speech. To achieve this result, all the impediments to conformity must be eliminated, such as the traditional family, the Christian church and patriotism.

If this sounds like Marxism, it is because today’s Democrat Party has gone full Marxist. They champion policies like the Green New Deal that would destroy prosperity and transfer wealth; they embrace socialism that grows government into an all-encompassing behemoth, such as Obamacare; and are carving out a two-tiered system of justice that favors leftists and punishes their political enemies. Going full Marxist commands Democrats/leftists to disrupt the smooth transition of power whenever they lose a presidential election as unquestionably demonstrated in 2016. This is especially troubling because the peaceful transfer of power has made America unique in the annals of history and the left appears determined to upend that tradition. But when you are your own higher power, who cares about custom?

Godlessness is a major tenet of Marxism and this too has been embraced by the party of abortion.  Remember that this is the party that booed God during the 2012 Democrat Convention when the question was posed of placing God on their platform.  Their rejection of the Creator was punctuated with a rainbow-colored exclamation point recently when they deemed churches as non-essential during the Wuhan virus lockdown. The left hates the Judeo-Christian ethic that, historically, formed the moral foundation of the United States and they really loathe Bible-believing Christian churches.  In their ongoing efforts to never let a serious crisis go to waste, the left seized an opportunity to keep Americans fearful and addled by preventing them from gathering in church. The big lie declared by the party of Margaret Sanger and backed up by the media, was that such blatant rejection of the freedom of religion clause of the First Amendment was needed to keep people safe. The reality of the proscription was for one reason and one reason alone: to sow seeds of chaos and to destabilize the citizenry.

 This lack of deference to God also allows elected Democrats to blatantly ignore their oaths of office. Oaths appear to mean nothing to Democrats (and to certain left leaning Republicans). If affirmations were important to the left, there would be tremendous guilt and consternation by these particular elected officials in both houses of Congress for violating their basic oath of office which they do so with impunity on a daily basis.  In case you are unfamiliar, here is the oath for the House of Representatives which is recited by every member upon taking office:

“I, …, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Now here is the oath for the United States Senate:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

Identical oaths, yes, but both pledges indicate that the office holder in either house of congress swears before God that they will defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.  Yet the facts are abundantly clear, that where elected Democrats are concerned, oaths are an empty gesture to be mindlessly recited before undermining the very country, states and cities they are representing.  Just ask the folks who live in the cities of Portland, Seattle, New York, Minneapolis, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco about the failures of their mayors and governors to protect the rights, lives and property of the law-abiding citizens they were elected to serve. Yes, serve! Not rule over, frighten or intimidate, but serve!

The mayors and governors who became infamous during the virus lockdown and riots did not go rogue with their arbitrary dictates. All of their efforts have the distinct appearance of coordination, all for the sake of keeping the spirit of the nation anxious and to damage the economy heading into the November presidential election. The Democrats have been pulling out all the stops to demoralize this nation in their effort to recapture the presidency, and they have proven that their constituents are nothing but pawns in this effort.

 This is the party that demands to lead the country after November. Democrats want you to cast a vote for a party that has proven that it will not defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic and have no qualms about disregarding their oaths under God. Can a party that has these beliefs be trusted to lead a country whose motto is “In God We Trust”?  I would argue that if the Democrats win in November then it will be the American people who will lose. You will lose all of your freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution under Democrat power. This will not happen all at once, but the erosion will begin under a Democrat administration and, the America that you love and cherished will be lost for decades to come, if not for good.

If a person or entity has proven to be abusive or irresponsible with power then it is the duty of the people, while freedom still prevails, to resist and to ensure that such a person or entity is never entrusted with such power ever again or at least until they have regained the confidence of the people. Remember this as we head into the most important presidential election since the founding of our country.


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