Friday, August 21, 2020

Crazy Eyes Redux

Has all that botox and Chardonnay 
rendered Hillary’s eyelids inoperable? 
What is with those crazy eyes?

This is your face on perpetual bitterness, boys and girls.

Perhaps during Hillary’s countless rehearsals of her “I’m Still Not Over It” speech, her staff pointed out that she blinks too much.  So, in an effort to avoid blinking, Hillary went instead with the wide-open crazy eyes look.

Either that or the botox and Chardonnay have rendered Hillary’s eyelids inoperable.

Now, I call this Crazy Eyes Redux because this isn’t the first time I’ve written about Hillary’s crazy eyes.

As I said back then: “After two years of non-stop anger, bitterness and complaining, not even an expensive haircut and a truckload of Sephora products can hide Hillary’s crazy eyes.”

Fact is, Hillary Clinton is not a particularly savvy politician. She isn’t a natural at this, guys.

Some people are just comfortable in front of an audience – or in this case in front of a camera. Donald Trump is definitely one of them. He is so at ease that he can speak extemporaneously for hours.

Hillary, on the other hand, is not one of them.

After all these years in the spotlight, Hillary still looks stiff and uncomfortable on camera.  And it certainly doesn’t help that she is overly coached by her retinue of staffers.

Even in that still image, you can almost see her brain working a hundred miles an hour:
“Try not to blink so much! Remember to look into the camera! Am I smiling? It feels like I’m smiling. Man, I really want to blink. I know! I’ll open my eyes wider. I hear that helps. Wearing all white was a bad idea. I think I look washed out. Good grief, wait! Have I lost my place? Okay, calm down, Hill. Try not to look like you lost your place. Just pause like you meant to pause, open your eyes wider, and try not to blink. Okay. There’s my place! Oh, damn, the Chardonnay buzz is wearing off. Wait. Did I just blink?”

Trotting out Hillary Clinton and her crazy eyes to once again piss and moan about losing in 2016 was a tremendously stupid idea.

Rush Limbaugh once said that the more we see Hillary, the lower her approval numbers go.  She just isn’t likeable.  And now, after nearly four years of Miss Havishamming it up over her humiliating loss, she isn’t even sympathetic anymore.

Is it any wonder the only person to get a polling bounce from this week’s Democratic National Convention is Donald Trump?

One look at Hillary and her crazy eyes, and voters are reminded of just how lucky we are to have dodged that bug-eyed bullet.

On a side note.

When I did the Star Trek-themed Convention ‘shops yesterday, I had one image left over that I didn’t use. But it kinda comes in handy today.