Friday, August 14, 2020

BLM Rioters Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

OSLO—The Norwegian Nobel Committee has announced the recipients of this year's Nobel Peace Prize: Black Lives Matter peaceful protesters who burned down communities and violently beat all who stood in their way.
BLM protester and Antifa member Bryce Hapley accepted the award on behalf of all the incredibly peaceful protesters across the United States.

"Nobody has done more for peace than these brave peaceful protesters," a Nobel Committee spokesperson said while presenting the award to the young man, clad in all black and wielding a bike lock. "Every thrown brick, every bloodied citizen, and every burned-down low-income housing community represents another step toward world peace."

"This may be the most deserving recipient since Barack Obama."

Hapley immediately hurled the Nobel medal through the window of a nearby Starbucks in the name of peace.