Thursday, July 30, 2020

Trump is blessed with truly moronic opponents

And the Democrats and the media have spent the last three and a half years going out of their way to prove this.

I often point out something Rita Panahi says quite frequently — “Trump is blessed with truly moronic opponents.”

In fact, only last week in my post about John Kasich speaking at the Democrat National Convention, I cited this famously on-target quote.

And you know why? Because Rita Panahi is right.  And ever since Trump was inaugurated, the Democrat Party and their media handmaids seem to go out of their way every single day to prove her right.

In 2016, the oft-heard quote about Donald Trump came from Salena Zito who pointed out that the press takes Trump literally but not seriously whereas his supporters take him seriously, but not literally.

Where Salena Zito’s observation defined the 2016 election, Rita Panahi’s brilliant observation defines the inept Resistance‘s actions during President Trump’s entire first term.

He really is blessed with truly moronic opponents.

Every single one of their attempts to destroy Trump ends up backfiring on these clowns in the most spectacular way. Skilled and savvy opponents would never make such grievous blunders. But these guys are neither skilled nor savvy. They’re moronic.

The House Democrats are definitely among Trump’s truly moronic opponents.  And none more so than Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler.

Just look at want a hot mess he made in yesterday’s “hearing” with Attorney General Bill Barr.

Nadler is like the inept comic book villain who is easily outsmarted by the hero because he wastes precious time and energy explaining his diabolical plan.

Or how about that bug-eyed gremlin Pramila Jayapal (D-Middle Earth).  Her unhinged freakout during yesterday’s hearing has turned her into an overnight star of the Resistance.  And as a result, the Resistance media is now booking her on their shows where she can continue sounding like an uninformed, hysterical lunatic.

And they actually think promoting this crank is a win for them.

So not only is Pramila one of Trump’s truly moronic opponents, the media that now celebrates her are as well.

If Rita Panahi was wrong, CNN and MSNBC would be maintaining safe distance from Jayapal. Her performance yesterday was an embarrassment.  She succeeded only in making herself look like an utter fool.

But no!  The Twitter ResistanceLOL loves her now, so the truly moronic news media promotes her.

In fact, all the Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee made complete fools of themselves.  I mean, sure, they had the best laid plans to make Barr look bad and smear him as Trump’s fixer.  But because Rita Panahi is right about these guys, their best laid plans only succeeded in making them look ridiculous.

Oh, yeah. They come off as serious truth-seekers, don’t they?

Don’t you feel comfortable knowing these cranks write the laws we’re supposed to live by?

Hey, suburban women, aren’t you glad you gave these truly moronic people the House majority?

As Julie Kelly said yesterday, “When anyone tells you they’re planning to vote for Biden, show any of these clips from today’s hearing and inform them that these crazies—not Biden—will be in power.”

Speaking of famous sayings, Jesse Kelly always says, “All Democrats have to do is not be insane. And they can’t do it.”

But Democrats are so far removed from regular, every day Americans, they don’t have a clue that these kinds of performative freak-outs make them look insane.

But not just insane. They look utterly ignorant and stupid. Mostly because they are. In fact, voting the Democrats out is bound to increase the average IQ in Congress by at least forty points.

These are not serious, thoughtful people.  And, really?  They have no idea how to govern.

Not that they ever actually try to govern.  They’re all too busy seeking the approval of the Twitter Resistance and the anti-Trump media.

Personally I hope CNN and MSNBC never stop interviewing dopes like Pramila Jayapal or any of the other morons from the Democrat Congress.  Sure, the sputtering lunatics of the Twitter Resistance love these freaks.  But normal Americans – the ones who still believe that Democrats are capable of running the country – their eyes will open.

Normal Americans will watch these unhinged antics, disrespectful histrionics and the the full-on defense of rioters destroying US cities, and realize the Democrat Party has no business holding power.

So thanks for demanding this hearing, Jerry Nadler!

Your comic book plans backfired in a big, BIG way, and proved yet again that Rita Panahi is right.