Thursday, July 30, 2020

The gaslighting happening regarding the coronavirus may be the most egregious in world history.

CNN cites ‘experts’ calling for nation shutdown. The ‘experts’ were a far-left political group.

Coronavirus panic has become an industry of its own. It’s political. It’s medical. It’s religious. The avenues through which coronavirus panic is being pushed may be the most concerted effort to gaslight in all of human history. How is this even possible? Because mainstream media is leading the charge through blatant propaganda that takes the people’s eyes off of facts while feeding them a steady stream of fake news.
The latest version of this gaslighting came from CNN’s report of “experts” signing a letter calling for a national lockdown. Journalist Jordan Schachtel called them out for it.
These “experts” were commissioned by U.S. PIRG, a group of far-left activist organizations started by Ralph Nader in 1984. Their letter calling for a complete shutdown of the United States is signed by various radical progressives, many of whom have been vocal “Resistors” since President Trump was elected.
As long as people still get their news from mainstream media outlets like CNN, it will be challenging to spread the truth about important issues such as COVID-19. Kudos to Jordan Schachtel for quickly casting a spotlight on these lies