Monday, July 13, 2020

Robert Mueller Was Obama’s Shield

Lindsey Graham Will Try to Protect Him Too

Why is it important to understand the duality of purpose for the appointment of the special counsel run by the figure-head (in name only) of Robert Mueller?…

…Because from the outset the seventeen Lawfare lawyers who formed the resistance unit operation took control over the DOJ.

That was a large purpose of their installation.  The Mueller resistance unit controlled everything, including every impediment to congress.

Despite the fact they should have been aware of this, many individual Senators and congressional representatives now claim they had no idea of this purpose.  Setting aside their willful blindness; all that stuff is in the rear-view and only leads to anger in a debate that needs to look forward; the issue now becomes putting indisputable evidence, an actionable trigger, in front of them and forcing public confrontation.  Action.  Nothing else matters; drive action.

Committee chairman Lindsay Graham said yesterday on Twitter he is open to having Robert Mueller appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee. [FYI Chuck Grassley is a member]  While there is no reason to put any scintilla of projected altruism into the position of Senator tick-tock Graham, there’s more behind that statement than a mere WaPo op-ed.  [Read between the lines – Nudge/Nudge – Wink/Wink].

The senator from South Carolina might be attempting to kick the proverbial can; it matters not.  What matters is a public and deliberately painful action that forces a reckoning.

At the same time, USAO John Durham is facing an ‘irrefutable’ briefing, that holds two purposes: (1) undeniable evidence of a very specific cover-up operation that came, purposefully, from the agenda of the resistance unit to throw a blanket over the most serious abuse of power in modern history; and (2) evidence that we know.

It might seem odd at first, but knowledge that we know, and possess the evidence to prove beyond doubt, is an insurance policy in the quest for truth and justice.  This includes evidence that cannot be ignored even if they disappear the delivery mechanism.  The truth has no agenda, and in this case the truth is a weapon.

CTH readers, hundreds of thousands, hell, millions of you, and your brothers and sisters are the best insurance policy.  Stop giving them power by positioning your outlook that they will do nothing…. just stop.  Demand action.  You are worth it. Do not give them an inch of room for obfuscation.  Do not worry about being perceived as an a**hole about it.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

The Cricklewood Brief has been fine-tuned to three deliveries.  One is a 2 minute elevator speech (w/ docs 5 pages).  Type two is a 15 minute briefing w/ files and a memory stick containing links to all citations (200 pages).  Type three is a one-hour presentation, with two timelines [full docs, full files and memory stick (800 pages)].

A sequence of contacts is pre-arranged and being finalized.

Soon you will be called into action.  In the interim do not worry yourself with dark imaginings.  Turn your fear into resolve; turn that resolve into action.  I am not going to be discouraged… check that….  I purposefully choose not to be discouraged. Each of us has the ability to control our thoughts.

Do, or do not… there is no room for try.

Live your best life, RIGHT NOW, and remember it’s the only one you have.

We live in the greatest nation on the face of the earth.  We are the people of that nation, with boundless opportunities most of the world can only dream of.

We are Americans….
  • Florida Power and Light won the prestigious International Edward Demming award for excellence in multi-platform engineering and efficiency superiority. They didn’t blow every PhD intellectual out of the water with slide rules, CAD programs and engineering acumen. They did it with hard hats and dirty fingernails.
Because they lost the award, the Japanese spent six months studying FPL and later published a 1,000 page dissertation essentially saying FPL “wasn’t really good, they were just lucky”….. FPL field leadership laughed, took out markers and wrote on the back of their hard hats: WE’RE NOT GOOD, WE’RE RUCKY….
  • When every single Kuwaiti oil field was blown up by Saddam Hussein, they said it would take over five years to cap them all off and restart their oil pumping industry. The Kuwaitis and Saudis called Texans, who had them all capped and back in working order in ten months.
We are a nation that knows how to get shit done.
  • When the Northern Chile mine workers were trapped two miles underground, they said no-one could save them. Who did they call for help? A bunch of hick miners from USA coal country who went down there, worked on the fly, engineered the rescue equipment on site, and saved every one of them….
That’s our America.

Don’t lose sight of it.
  • When a half-breed Islamic whack job, armed with an AK-47 and a goal to meet his virgins, begins opening fire on a train in France, the Americans on board didn’t run to the nearest safe room and hide themselves amid baguettes and brie. They said “let’s go”, and beat the stuffing out of that little nut with a death wish.
Legion d’Honneur or not, that’s us.  That’s you.

That’s just how we roll.

Lady Liberty can stroll along the Champs-Elysées with a swagger befitting Mae West because without her arrival they’d be speaking German in the Louvre.  Yet for the better part of the past decades groups of intellectual something-or-others have been selling an insufferable narrative that it’s better to be sitting around a campfire eating sustainable algae cakes and picking parasites off each other.  Enough!

Quit listening to them.

If you feel comfortable sitting in your socially distant box and bitching about all things that are not right, or might be not be right…. Or, if you prefer to allow yourself to be overcome with dark imaginings simply because what cannot be done is more comfortable than the effort to oversee what needs to be done…. well, that’s okay.

You can do that.

And when you’re done doing that you’ll still be in the same place.

President Trump is doing the absolute best he can based on his perspectives and priorities on what needs to be done; with far more information than me; and I’m sure he’s doing that in the best manner he can assemble to keep making America great.  He does this while simultaneously swatting away thousands of piranhas biting at him on an hourly basis.

So again, ask yourself a question: what part are you to play?

Live your best life.

You only have this moment once.

And prepare to be called to action.