Monday, July 13, 2020

Michigan's Personal Gas Chambers Go Into Effect - HEIL WHITMLER!

"The trouble with Michigan, is that's full of Michigas!" - Some clever memer

Achtung Michigan workers! Your fearless leader Whitmler's mandatory mask order goes into effect today!

The fem führer came up with the idea to gas all people in Michigan when she remembered that carbon dioxide is considered a pollutant by the liberal left. So what better way to prevent people from dying from the Kung Flu than by poisoning them with their own CO2?


And who will enforce this mandate? Why, fellow civilians of course. The peasants of Michigan are instructed to deny entry and/or service to anyone not wearing a mask or else lose their license to operate. So now the people will be pitted against each other and made to enforce their own civil rights abuses on themselves. Those who refuse to comply or leave would likely have the cops called on them for trespassing, at a time when police/populace interactions are high with tension.

No one will be arrested for refusing to wear a mask, since the entire order is illegal in the first place, but those with independent thinking minds will still be issued a $500 fine for the misdemeanor offense. This is despite the fact that any mask qualifies for compliance, even one that is totally ineffective because (hint hint) ALL MASKS ARE INEFFECTIVE at actually preventing infection anyway, and preventing transmission isn't the goal. All are effective at making people breathe their own carbon dioxide though, and that's the point.

Whitmler doesn't care about anyone's health. She doesn't care about saving lives. She doesn't care about her state's economy. Everything she's doing is political. It's all for appearances and it's all to try and hurt Trump. She's also mad with power, so there's that too. She's probably mad at Michigan voters for voting in President Trump.

So she'll make people breathe their own gas and continue abusing her position in violation of the very law she cites in order to be a good little communist. For proof of that just look at her condemnation of patriots protesting her fascism, then her later support for BoweLMovement protesters.

B-reathe it!