Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Mayor Antifa finds someone he hates more than the Jews

Bill de Blasio takes time out from doing nothing about the epidemic of violence in his city to celebrate the prosecution of “Central Park Karen.”

Mayor Antifa has a murder epidemic on his hands.

On Sunday, in broad daylight and caught on video, a man was gunned down while walking down the sidewalk with his 4-year-old daughter.  His murder was just one of eight that happened in NYC over the July 4th weekend when forty-nine people in total were shot.

After the deadliest June since 1996, you’d think the guy in charge of New York City would be focused like a laser on the daily shootings and killings happening under his watch.

But Mayor Antifa has bigger fish to fry – namely a random white woman who was caught on camera calling the police on a black man in Central Park.

In what can only be described as totally misguided priorities, New York District Attorney Cyrus Vance announced yesterday that this “Central Park Karen” will be prosecuted for “falsely reporting an incident in the third degree.”

The woman’s life has already been destroyed thanks to the social media mob.  But, hey, it isn’t as if the DA’s office has anything more important to focus on.

Nor, apparently, does Mayor Antifa who, despite the unprecedented spate of shootings on his watch, celebrated Cyrus Vance targeting this so-called menace to society.

I didn’t think it was possible for Mayor Antifa to find someone he hates more than the Jews.

Or, is this woman Jewish?  Because that would certainly explain why Mayor Antifa wants her “to face consequences” beyond losing her job and being the target of endless death threats.

I’m thinking if she shot and killed someone walking down the sidewalk with his 4-year-old child, Mayor Antifa wouldn’t say word one about it.

But, hey.  At least Mayor Antifa spent some time painting “Black Lives Matter” on the street, am I right? That’ll totally solve the murder epidemic! 

Just like New York’s governor, NYC’s feckless mayor is incapable of stepping up and taking responsibility for what is happening on his watch.  Instead, the dope makes excuses and shifts the blame – including blaming the murder epidemic in his city on COVID-19. Is there anything this virus can’t do?!

New York City has no viable governance.  I’ve said before New York – both the city and the state – suffer from a Leadership Vacuum.  And when there’s a vacuum, something is going to fill that void. What’s filling the void in New York City are violent thugs murdering people on a daily basis.

But you get what you vote for.  And New York City residents elected this petty, reckless clown, not once, but twice.

And it is costing New Yorkers their lives.

But hey.  At least “Central Park Karen” is going to face some consequences!

If only Mayor Antifa would as well.