Tuesday, July 28, 2020

March of the Narcissists

Democrats are leaving their electoral prospects in the grabby hands of a bunch of self-absorbed, self-important, navel-gazing children each of whom believes the universe revolves around him/her/xir.

The Democrats’ election strategy hinges on a bunch of spoiled, entitled narcissists who are indulging in performative drama while irritating the hell out of normal Americans.

Yeah, I don’t think the Democrats thought this through.

These so-called “peaceful protests” aren’t made up of people who genuinely seek “justice.”  And they sure as hell aren’t populated by people who think “black lives matter.”

Nobody and nothing matter to these narcissists — except their whims, demands and feelz.
Democrats are leaving their electoral prospects in the grabby hands of a bunch of self-absorbed, self-important, navel-gazing children each of whom believes the universe revolves around him/her/xir.

Yesterday I wrote about the angry sorority girls – those Victims of Privilege who foolishly thought their lawless behavior was exempt from police attention.

But it isn’t just the angry sorority girls who make up this March of the Narcissists.
Every single one of these idiots who are blocking the street, shrieking at police and demanding the entire country bend to his will is a narcissist.

Yesterday on Twitter, one of these entitled narcissists wrote a ranting thread because a woman driver tried to get away from her and her fellow army of snotty children who were blocking the road in Georgetown.  And when the driver did not obey their “demands,” this idiot jumped on the hood of her car to stop her.

And what got this fool’s knickers in a twist?

The police did not arrest the woman driver she and her fellow narcissists attempted to illegally detain.

March of the Narcissists Derek Hunter tweet

So how did she and her fellow narcissists respond?

By doxxing the driver on social media in hopes that some of her fellow self-important, spoiled, entitled creeps will terrorize her further.

And yes, my friends, this ugly, awful creature believes she’s on the side of Right.

She also believes she is above the law – that no behavior, no matter how illegal, is off the table.  And in that, she is not alone.  All of these entitled pukes believe they can act any way they want with impunity.

This moron closes her “Here is my account of my illegal behavior” thread with this truly on-the-nose sentence:  “Goodnight I need to self care.”


Harass and terrorize a woman then dox her, and you’re the one in need of “self care.”

I mean, look up narcissistic sociopath in the dictionary and this moron’s clueless mug appears.

On the one hand they shriek all cops are bastards, and on the other they cry like babies because the cops don’t act like bastards and arrest the driver they illegally detained. She should thank her lucky stars the cops didn’t arrest her.

When you are a narcissist your wants, your needs, your demands are the only ones that matter.  And because the world doesn’t actually revolve around you, it is inevitable that when your wants, needs, or demands are not catered to, you wrap yourself in Victimhood and cry about how unfair it all is.

They’re self-absorbed children.

Yet these narcissists are the people the Democrat Party has glommed onto in hopes their childish tantrums and self-aggrandizing narcissism will drive voters into the gropin’ arms of Joe Biden.

I don’t think it’s going to work.  And much like those whose cars get blocked by these narcissistic children, I’m thinking voters will plow right over the Narcissistic Tantrum Brigade on their way to vote for Trump.