Thursday, July 9, 2020

I wonder if the Ukraine Defense Minister job is still available

If the Ukraine Defense Minister job doesn’t pan out, I’m sure CNN will snatch Vindman up in a heartbeat. Unless MSNBC steals him away by offering him more green room snacks.

Today Lt. Col. Potato announced that he is packing up his red stapler and retiring from the US Army.  Which should free him up to take the Ukraine Defense Minister position they offered him back in the day.

Naturally, his lawyer is blaming President Trump for “forcing” him into retirement.

Because you can’t be a member in good standing of the Resistance😀 if you don’t blame everything on Trump.

Of course, if Vindman doesn’t get the Ukraine Defense Minister position, I’m sure he’ll blame that on Trump too.

How many publishers have offered him an advance to write a Trump-bashing book, do you think? I’m guessing those calls started coming in before he packed up his belongings to go.

“Hi, Lt. Col. Vindman? I’m the publisher who snagged Omerosa.  You interested?”

Truth is, the Resistance😁 doesn’t need Lt. Col. Potato anymore.  Sure, he gave them someone in uniform to use as a human shield.  And, yeah, he has a purple heart.

But he’s white, and he has both his legs.

In the grand scheme of things, Tammy Duckworth makes a far better human shield than this human potato.

I’m guessing when he got back to the Pentagon, he discovered that the chain of command was still a thing there, and his going rogue wasn’t getting the same slobbering praise from the brass that he got from CNN.

So what’s a fella to do?

My guess is, if the Ukraine Defense Minister job doesn’t pan out, CNN will snatch Vindman up in a heartbeat. Unless MSNBC beats them to it by offering him more green room snacks.

One thing’s for sure.  He’ll make himself an even bigger pest now that his uniform is packed in moth balls.  I’m sure he’ll find plenty of love as the latest Twitter Resistance😂 star.

It really is amazing how many people have cashed in on their Trump Derangement Syndrome, isn’t it?